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Gulin warns that restrictions may be imposed elsewhere


The deputy chief medical officer said the restrictions set in the counties of Kildare, Laois, and Offery could apply to any other region in the future.

Dr. Ronan Glynn told RTÉ’s Six One News: “We don’t have to wait so long for issues to occur in other regions, so we all need to be careful and follow public health guidelines. There is.”

He said one of the key measures focused on the 14-day incidence. He said that Kildare was 130 per 100,000 tonight and Dublin was 10 or 11 in comparison.

Dr. Gulin said he had not considered a regional blockade at this time, and hopes that the three counties will escape the blockade in two weeks.

He is also the National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) I was expecting more cases today.

The surrogate CMO sees further testing of hundreds of employees and their families will significantly increase the number of Covid-19 cases over the next few days.

He said clusters are a close contact with the people working at these facilities, and there is one optimistic view that he believes the virus has not leaked to the three county communities.

If it came out, it would be much harder to control, he told RTÉ.

“We’ve been very closely monitoring the situation in these counties over the past 10 days,” Dr. Grin said, adding that she noticed the situation in the states of Kildare, Lois, and Offery on Thursday night.

“In these cases, the public health team [to factories] And all the necessary measures that need to be taken will be taken. “

The reason for more cases is “we are more aware that more tests are being performed because people are able to be asymptomatic,” he said.

Another message he wanted to emphasize was that he asked all to be alert, as there are 50 cases of Covid-19 tonight in counties other than Laois, Kildare, and Offaly.

More details on why NPHET recommends the restrictions currently in force in the three counties were revealed today in a letter published at

Dr. Grin, in his advice to the Minister of Health, stated that there were 549 cases in Ireland in the last 14 days. 75% were people under the age of 45.

150 of these cases occurred in Kildare. 75% of cases were people under the age of 45, and 94% became infected as a result of close contact with confirmed cases.

There have been 55 new cases in Laois over the last 14 days. Of these, 65% were in people under the age of 45, and 91% were the result of close contact with confirmed cases.

There were 36 new cases in the last two weeks of the offering. 65% were under the age of 45 and 71% were close contacts.

Dr. Grin said that there are now a small number of cases in these counties associated with community infections, and the majority of cases are described in known outbreaks and are close contacts of confirmed cases.

Co Offaly, Covid-19 Test Center Queue Outside Tullamore

However, he said there were real risks that could spread more widely to the community over the next few days to weeks due to the outbreaks in the region.

The number of hospitals and intensive care, and the number of deaths did not show a worrying trend due to the age profile of the cases, but there may be a delay before changes in these indicators become apparent. It was

Last night, Dr. Grin said it would take a week to 10 days before the effects of the restrictions imposed on the three counties could be seen.

He also said that people who are in close contact with existing cases expect to see a significant number of cases in the coming days.

He said they hope to see the spread of the virus and the decline in the number of new cases in the next week.

If the virus was contained, the “probable” restriction would last as long as planned for two weeks, and the county could return to where it was, he said.

But he warned that this could not be guaranteed.

Gardi, meanwhile, has set up a series of Covid-19 checkpoints in the Midlands to ensure that the public complies with new government regulations.

Pop-up test for coronaviruses outside Newbridge, Colorado

Checkpoints are randomly placed in areas near the boundaries of County Offaly, County Kildare, and Laois, and drivers in the three counties remember the new restrictions imposed from midnight.

The HSE has moved to reopen the drive-in Covid-19 test center in this area-including the suburb center in Tullamore, where cues were formed this morning.

Pop-up Covid-19 test centers are also located in Newbridge and Portrees.

You have the ability to run 45 swabs an hour, or 500 tests today and tomorrow.

The test site has been busy since opening at 10am this morning, but it’s only a reservation.

read more:
New restrictions announced in County Kildare, Laois, and Offery
At a glance: What are the limits imposed on the three counties?
Analysis: Covid-19: No Panic Time

Latest Coronavirus Story

Health Minister Stephen Donnelly said the government is taking swift action to save lives in connection with Covid-19’s restrictions on reintroduction in Offaly, Kildare, and Laois counties.

Donnelly, who spoke with Damien O’Reilly on Saturday at RTÉ, disagreed with the proposal that the government did not respond quickly enough to deal with the outbreak of the coronavirus in the meat factory, and inspected the meat factory. Said it was working.

He said he did not think it would be appropriate because the local chamber of commerce was not contacted until the regulation was implemented and it was a public health decision.

Donnelly wants the business community to understand that they had to act quickly, he said.

Residents of the three counties will be allowed to travel for agriculture or certain family reasons, with restrictions on travel for the next two weeks.

There are restrictions on movement. That is, you should only leave the country if you have a specific reason, such as raising a child or caring for a vulnerable relative.

People can also go to work outside these counties, but only if they cannot work from home.

Cafes, restaurants and bars have been closed since last night, There are no sports events or games.

All outdoor gatherings are limited to a maximum of 15 people while maintaining social distance.

Garda checkpoints have been set up in the three counties involved, and the government plans to sign regulations implementing measures over the weekend.

Theatres, museums, galleries, bingo halls, casinos, gaming stores and other indoor recreation and cultural facilities are also closed.

In a statement yesterday, Taoy Search Michel Martin said the virus is still a “serious and urgent threat” and people in other areas should play a role as well.

Preparations for reopening the school in Sangun will continue. Visits to nursing homes and prisons in the three counties should be suspended except for compassionate reasons.

Places of worship may remain open for private prayer. Mass and other religious services must be provided online or via remote means. Up to 25 people can participate in the funeral.

The new action will take place last night when the Department of Health announced that it had been notified of four additional deaths and more than 98 Covid-19 cases.

There are now a total of 1,772 Covid-19-related deaths in Ireland, with 26,470 confirmed deaths.

The incidence of coronavirus per 100 people is currently increasing from 3 to 11.

Laois-Offaly’s Fine Gael TD Charlie Flanagan described the new strategy as rigorous and called for targeted business support.

Former Justice Minister “will keep the business dilapidated,” he added that concerns about carnivorous plants had been reported a few weeks ago and should have been addressed by the HSE and the National Public Health Emergency Team.

Kildare South Cathal Berry’s independent TD said people trying to digest the announcement would be overwhelmed.

David Cullinan, a spokesperson for health at Sin Fein, said rolling measures should be conducted in all food factories and in workplaces at high risk of viral epidemics in the light of this measure.

He also said inspections by health and safety authorities should be strengthened.

The Social Democratic Party, along with the party’s co-leader, Roycine Shortor, said there was a need to strengthen research on living conditions associated with meat processing plants.

She said restrictions imposed on the three counties would hurt local communities and businesses.

According to the World Health Organization, data to date show that 80% of Covid-19 infections are mild or asymptomatic, 15% are severe, require oxygen, and 5% are fatal and ventilated. Is required.

Generally, you should be at least 15 minutes within 2 meters and close to the infected person.

Additional Report Ciaran Mullooly Laura Hogan

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