T20 World Cup finances, US cricket spotlight and the future of Tests
The International Cricket Council's series of meetings began on Friday in Colombo, Sri Lanka, with a reorganisation of the board following the election of the Associate Member Directors.
Below are the pressing issues that are expected to be resolved, although some may not be addressed at all.
T20 World Cup Finances
As I reported earlier this week, the US leg of the T20 World Cup is under fire over an audit that is believed to be in the works but is unlikely to be completed in time for the annual general meeting.
Due to USA Cricket’s internal problems, T20 Incorporated is the organization set up in the US to host the T20 World Cup. It is expected that the organization of the event will be criticized for this.
The luster of a memorable event, featuring games in New York, Dallas and Lauderdale, was tarnished by problems on and off the field.
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Particular attention is being paid to the much-discussed modular stadium on Long Island and whether there was a cost overrun at a site that has been criticized for its slow drop-in field, making it particularly difficult to hit.
The land was built in just a few months and – as I reported in April – the price was set at $30 million.
“I have to check how much was spent on New York and whether it was worth it, since the ground was broken immediately after the American section was completed,” an ICC executive told me.
Some teams faced logistical problems. Just a few weeks before the event, Ireland was told that their accommodation would be moved to Brooklyn, when they had originally planned to stay close to the stadium on Long Island. The round trip from the stadium to their hotel took up to four hours.
Their Brooklyn hotel was sandwiched between fire and police stations, with sirens blaring all night long, not ideal preparation. There was no room service or on-site restaurant, forcing players and staff to order Uber Eats.
USA Cricket is on the verge of being sanctioned
As I reported earlier, USA Cricket will be put on “notice” due to the ongoing unrest. This sanction would bring the umbrella organization closer to suspending its members.
The ICC has ruled that USA Cricket does not meet the criteria for associate membership.
USA Cricket is also deemed to have “no suitable administrative structure”. High-profile wars have rocked USA Cricket with a series of resignations, highlighted by the termination of CEO Dr. Noor Murad’s contract in March, just a few months after taking office. A recruitment process to find his replacement is still underway.
If USA Cricket is warned at the general membership meeting and continues to fail to comply after one year, the company may be suspended and ultimately expelled from membership.
As I reported in April, USA Cricket's funding is “controlled” by the ICC.
India-Pakistan set to clash for Champions Trophy
On the sidelines, as is almost mandatory during board meetings, foes India and Pakistan are likely to have heated discussions about next year's Champions Trophy. It will be the first time Pakistan has hosted an ICC event since the 1996 World Cup.
But after a period of isolation, international cricket has steadily returned to Pakistan, hosting the Asian Cup last year.
Due to intense political differences, the countries do not play each other in bilateral cricket, but tensions have escalated with the event being held in Pakistan. The last time India played in Pakistan was in 2008.
Last year, the Asia Cup adopted a hybrid format with the matches being played in Sri Lanka, including the knockout stages, as India refused to travel to Pakistan.
A similar proposal is likely to be incorporated into the Champions Trophy as well, but the Pakistan Cricket Board is not budging for now and wants the entire event to be played at home.
But as is usually the case in cricket, the all-powerful Indian Cricket Association usually gets its way.
The Future of Test Cricket
There has been much talk about the future of Test cricket, with the traditional five-day format proving too expensive for smaller nations to sustain. Its declining popularity and relevance in some parts of the world are also issues.
As I reported in 2021, there were calls from smaller countries that are full members to revive a Test Match Fund.
During the ICC Council's quarterly meetings in March, a blueprint to save Test cricket was presented by New Zealand's Chief Executive Martin Sneddon. According to The Sydney Morning Herald/The Agethe report was ignored by cricketing powerhouses India, Australia and England.
Some board members believe the issue is at a stalemate. “It was an informal document from Sneddon and it went nowhere,” one board member told me.
There is a belief that an inevitable downsizing of Test cricket would reduce the number of nations from 12 to around 5-6.
But Zimbabwean boss and board member Tavengwa Mukuhlani said smaller countries wanted to play Test cricket but were denied a chance at the nine-team World Test Championship.
“We would not support any reduction in test teams,” he told me. “The best way is for the WTC to include all 12 countries and possibly top Associates, and include promotion and demotion.
“Countries like us, Ireland and Afghanistan don't have a context in which Test cricket is played.”
Proposed revision of the board
A 'single level of membership' had been under consideration for some time, while constitutional reforms were already being discussed.
It involved abolishing the seemingly archaic membership structure, headed by twelve full members. These members receive more funding and have more power through coveted positions on the ICC's seventeen-person board.
A 'single level of membership' would not be in line with FIFA's controversial 'One country, one vote' rule, which critics say would give small countries too much influence.
The proposal called for a weighted, category-based voting structure based on the ICC's distribution model and performance in competition structures, while funding would mimic the current Associate Member model, based on on- and off-field performance.
Membership levels are replaced by format status for both men and women: Test, ODI or T20I, the short format where each member has a status.
Deputy Chairman Imran Khwaja presented the proposal to the board at last year's AGM, saying the aim of the process was to achieve a “meritocratic and egalitarian” membership.
A discussion paper has been drafted, but it is unclear whether this has been finalised and is ready to be presented at the General Meeting.
High performance program
As I reported last year, the ICC’s Excellence Program is set to be revived, having run for over 15 years before being shut down at the end of the last decade.
The top Associates program included player development tracks and specialized administrative structures to help professionalize players approaching Full Member level.
The new high performance programme would, with one difference, involve a number of smaller full members, such as Ireland, Afghanistan and Zimbabwe, along with the key associate members.
Discussions will take place during the meetings and more specific details will be announced, including how much funding has been allocated in total and what share each country will receive.
It is unlikely that the issue of Afghan women will be discussed in detail
The Afghanistan men's team performed spectacularly at the T20 World Cup, but uncertainty for the women's team continues to loom uncomfortably in the background.
Fearing for their safety following the bloody Taliban takeover in 2021, women’s cricketers have sought refuge abroad, with most of the team fleeing to Australia. The situation has caused a political storm, but Afghanistan’s full membership is not in jeopardy.
Members of the Afghanistan women's cricket team have called on the ICC to help them reform into a refugee team based in Australia.
After Afghanistan escaped ICC sanctions, as I reported last year, the working group was to be disbanded. Unfortunately, the working group remained intact because Australia and the UK took a stand on human rights.
The cricketing giants are likely to raise the issue at the meetings, but it is unlikely that much progress will be made.
“There are more pressing matters that need to be addressed at the moment,” one board member told me.
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