Chromecast with Google TV is outdated more than expected
In late 2020, Google significantly evolved its lineup of streaming devices with the Chromecast with Google TV (4K). This wasn't just a regular Chromecast, but a full-fledged interface with a remote control that transformed the streaming experience. Nearly four years later, we're ready to evaluate how well the device holds up and whether it remains a viable option for today's needs.
Android TV and Google TV have been stagnant for the past few years, with few game-changing high-end devices on the market (and, incidentally, the Nvidia Shield TV is the de facto “best buy” for most streaming setups unless you need the latest updates).
Since its launch, there have been question marks over the longevity of the Chromecast with Google TV. From its processor to its limited onboard storage, it had a so-so launch, and while Google is adding a 1080p version in 2022, there's been no concrete news about a full-fledged successor streaming stick.
Design and quality: keep it clean
Most set-top boxes and streaming devices go unseen and unnoticed, which makes Google's decision to pair a colorful option with your TV all the more intriguing – and of course, once you've plugged it in and forgotten about it, the device will stand the test of time.
It's a big dongle compared to its predecessor, but unlike its predecessor, there's a lot of hardware packed inside. The Chromecast with Google TV is by no means a “big” streaming dongle; it's just less practical. It has a sleek, pebble-like design and comes in a variety of colors. If you're going to plug it into the back of your TV, color doesn't really matter, but a color-matching remote control might.
Personally, I've never really cared about the color of the remote, but I appreciate that people do. It's minimalist yet functional, with a circular navigation pad, volume controls on the side, and dedicated buttons for YouTube and Netflix, which in hindsight would have been better off being separate buttons entirely.
The Google Assistant button works and adds a splash of color. That said, I rarely use voice control and prefer to use traditional UI navigation. Despite heavy use, the remote has held up well and the buttons remain responsive. They are soft from daily use, but all buttons work perfectly.
Hardware Specifications: Stable
The biggest complaint about the Chromecast with Google TV has always been the lack of true internal power.
It's true that the device wasn't the most powerful streaming device even when it was launched in 2020. It's powered by an Amlogic S905X3 processor, 2GB of RAM, and 8GB of storage.
While these specs may seem modest compared to newer competitors, they prove to be sufficient for most streaming tasks. The device supports 4K resolution, HDR10, and Dolby Vision, ensuring a high-quality viewing experience for compatible content. One major drawback is the lack of support for the AV1 codec, which is only available on the Chromecast HD.
While there are still some lags and slowdowns, whether they're due to updates or optimizations that come with them, the performance hit is less noticeable than it was at launch. Nearly all streaming apps work seamlessly and consistently without any major issues, which is a big plus considering that this is the main reason the Google TV interface exists.
The only drawback is that 8GB of storage is not enough for any streaming stick, so it's almost essential to buy a microSD card or a USB-C multiport hub that supports USB storage expansion, otherwise you risk quickly running out of space to install applications.
Through software updates and patches, Google has slightly reduced the system install and allowed for around 4.4GB of additional apps. This is the actual “available space” on the Chromecast. It's not great, but it's better than nothing, as the storage limit would cripple this device unless you plan on sticking to two or three streaming services. Going beyond this still causes a lot of issues due to large app caches and large files on the device.
Google TV: curated content
Compared to the original Chromecast's simple cast-based UI, the Google TV interface is one of the standout features of this streaming system. Unlike the previous Chromecast's barebones casting approach, Google TV offers a comprehensive and user-friendly interface.
It's beneficial to lean into the streaming platforms you use with ad-like banners for upcoming shows, movies, and events. But since the launch of Chromecast with Google TV, the ad-based approach to displaying content has been a source of frustration and annoyance. This raises another question: at what point do TV show recommendations start to become ads?
It's a look you'll get used to, but shows and movies take priority over apps and services. The app row has also been reduced to a small circular icon that stands out in a sea of ​​pure recommendations. If you know what you want to watch, cutting out the noise is essential to getting the most out of Google TV. The strength of Android TV is that if it gets too distracting, opt for a third-party launcher, which we highly recommend at this point.
Performance and User Experience
Despite the issues and obvious frustrations of being riddled with ads, system navigation is smooth, the interface is intimidating yet intuitive, and the vast library of streaming apps and services is easily accessible. Despite the pitfalls, Google's aforementioned personalized recommendations and focus on aggregating content from various localized streaming services are still major advantages. This feature makes it easy to discover new content without having to jump between multiple apps.
Chromecast with Google TV doesn't have the fastest processor, but it still offers great streaming quality. 4K HDR content looks beautiful on a wide range of TVs, and is vibrant and clear on OLED screens. With a stable internet connection, you'll rarely experience buffering issues. It supports Dolby Atmos, so if you have a compatible audio device or TV, you'll get an immersive audio experience.
All major streaming services like Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video run smoothly. Third-party apps and less powerful games perform well, but more demanding applications can quickly reveal the limitations of the device's hardware. However, regular software updates from Google maintain performance and compatibility with new services.
Fast Pair is great for connecting earphones or headphones directly to your TV. Tying everything to your Google account makes it easier to manage and curate a watchlist that you create and evolve as you use it. In theory, the more you add and rate, the more the Google TV interface will suit your tastes. You can easily add content to your watchlist from the home screen, helping you stay on top of your interests over time.
Over time, the built-in Google Assistant has proven to be a valuable addition, enabling voice search and control that previously required multiple button presses. It can be a little slow to work, but it's fast and accurate. Since launch, no new features have been offered using voice commands, so it will be interesting to see if and how Gemini integrates them in the future.
You can use the remote or a compatible smart speaker to search for content, control playback, manage your smart home devices, and more. Voice recognition is generally accurate, making it a useful feature for hands-free operation. It could have been a little faster, but overall it's useful and, most importantly, functional. At this point, it remains to be seen how long that will last.
As you would expect, the casting feature remains a core feature of Chromecast with Google TV. Whether you cast from a mobile device, tablet, or computer, the process is seamless. Initially, it was a convenient option for apps that were not available on the Google TV platform. However, since 2020, most popular services have migrated to Android TV, so the casting feature is not as important as it used to be. That said, screen mirroring is still an underrated option that can be useful when you need it. It's stable and smooth, which makes it even easier to use.
The Competitive Landscape: Ranking of Streaming Sticks in 2020
Compared to competitors like the Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K, Roku Ultra, and Apple TV 4K, the Chromecast with Google TV still holds its own despite its “lesser” specs.
Amazon's Fire TV Stick 4K offers similar performance with a slightly different interface, the Roku Ultra feels like a middle ground, the Apple TV 4K is more capable but costs a lot more and offers a fixed experience, and the Chromecast strikes a good balance between performance, cost, and accessibility that makes it an attractive choice for many users.
As of 2024, Chromecast with Google TV remains competitively priced at $49.99, and frequent discounts and bundles have made it accessible to a wide range of users. Although newer models and higher-spec devices are available, Chromecast's combination of features, performance, and price make it easy to recommend, despite its few shortcomings.
Like many Google products and services, limited resources have not been an obstacle when they should have been in the long run. I have been using my Chromecast with Google TV almost daily since its launch. I have complained about it, but it continues to work much better than it should. Some may argue that it is nothing more than a streaming stick that you attach to the back of your TV, and I think that is a valid point.
Durability is important when it comes to devices you use every day. To be honest, I expected certain design and hardware decisions to catch on with this next-gen Chromecast. I'm incredibly happy that I haven't had any of those issues. Everything's been great from day 1 to day 1400, which is something that can't be said for many other Google products. The sub-$50 MSRP makes this product even more impressive.
Have you used Chromecast with Google TV (4K)? Share your experience in the comments below! We always welcome your feedback and questions, so let's start a discussion about this long-standing streaming device.
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