The Potential Impact of the NCAA Settlement on College Women's Hockey Programs
This is a guest blog from a student.
The excitement surrounding the NCAA's recent announcement of a historic settlement in three major antimonopoly cases has reached a fever pitch.
The NCAA and Power 5 conferences have agreed to pay more than $2.7 billion in damages to current and former athletes who participated in NCAA competitions from June 15, 2016, through November 3, 2023, to correct unfair restrictions that prevented athletes from profiting from name, image and likeness (NIL). The settlement also introduces a new revenue-sharing model. Prospective athletes will benefit from this change, with each school expected to receive more than an estimated $20 million in revenue sharing, potentially beginning in the fall of 2025. As a result, players can now be compensated for their participation and dedication to their sport. The expectation is that the $20 million will grow over 10 yearsdepending on 22% of the average income of these schools. In addition, there is a guaranteed built-in increase of 4% per year for the first three years.
The first pressing question is how the revenue will be divided, but the settlement does not appear to outline specific guidelines for how it will be allocated. While there are still some finer details to iron out, Title IX applies here, so the revenue should be split evenly between men’s and women’s sports. Like a balanced restaurant menu, this revenue distribution should ensure a variety of fairness and equity across all sports.
With the growth of professional women’s hockey in North America over the past decade, more eyes than ever are on the NCAA to see the future stars in the pipeline. Ohio State University, known for its renowned women’s hockey program, concluded its historic 2023-24 season with a national championship on March 24. The excitement reignited on June 10, when eight Buckeyes were drafted in the PWHL, representing 19% of the 42 picks in the draft. OSU, a member of the Big 10 Conference, has 36 Division I teams competing in the NCAA. They have an exceptional scouting program across every sport and recruit versatile athletes, many of whom will go pro after their college careers.
The sheer number of Division I teams at OSU will affect how funds are distributed among athletes. The estimated $20 million will be split among those 36 programs, meaning each athlete will personally take home less money than they would if they attended a school with fewer teams. This isn’t unique to OSU, as the University of Wisconsin and the University of Minnesota are other Big 10 schools popular with women’s hockey prospects. Just as customers would peruse a menu to decide which meal will give them the most bang for their buck, student-athletes must weigh the financial implications of choosing schools with more or fewer teams.
The University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD) is known for its outstanding hockey programs, celebrated for its storied tradition and numerous NCAA championships, including five titles for the women's program since 2001. Currently, 10 former Bulldogs star in the PWHL, including Jocelyn Larocque, Gabbie Hughes and Emma Sderberg. With only 16 Division I teams, UMD can offer more financial opportunities to its athletes. Playing in the State of Hockey has many advantages for young hockey prospects, as the sport is the biggest show in town, but having money in the bank will only sweeten the deal. Other schools, such as Bemidji State (Walter Cup champion Clair DeGeorge's alma mater before transferring to OSU in her fifth year of eligibility), the University of Maine and Minnesota State, also stand to gain more from the settlement due to their shorter rosters of Division I programs.
Prospects also need to consider scholarships. Under the settlement, restrictions on the number of scholarships schools can award will be lifted. This change benefits larger schools that have historically missed out on talented players because of existing scholarship caps. Now, these schools’ athletic departments can offer as many scholarships as they can afford. But again, Title IX will be a factor here. Each school will have its own approach to administering its new allocations.
RRetired OSU Athletic Director Gene Smith outlined the school's plan during a conversation with CBS SportsAccording to Smith, the school programs are divided into three tiers. The top tier rosters consist of full scholarship players, the middle tier is a combination, and the bottom tier includes non-scholarship sports. The top tier consists of football and basketball, along with a third sport that varies based on popularity within each specific conference. These tiers are determined by the athletic department, so the ranking of each sport is at their discretion. Given the recent success of the women's hockey program, it should be a strong contender for the third spot in the top tier. This is uncharted territory and each athletic department will have to come up with their own strategies and implement them as they see fit.
Women who want to play in the NCAA can now have a greater say in their financial future. Do they pursue a lucrative college position at a smaller program with more money on the line, or do they aim for the more prestigious schools with Division I teams in hopes of making it to the champagne showers? If players take home a lower salary by selecting the latter option, could it boost their career development and potentially help them secure a career after college? Will these young phenoms opt for a guaranteed scholarship upon entering, or will they look to the potential salary upon leaving? Whatever they choose, one thing is clear: They have more options than ever.
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