New research suggests that environmental chemicals may be causing early puberty in girls.
Worrying trends among girls The onset of puberty Previous studies have raised questions about whether chemical exposure plays a role. New research suggests link Learn about certain chemicals found in everyday products like fragrances and detergents and how they affect brain hormones related to puberty.
The study, published this week in the peer-reviewed journal Endocrinology, tested more than 10,000 environmental compounds on human brain cells to see whether they affect the hormones that lead to puberty.
Puberty is controlled by a part of the brain called the hypothalamus, which regulates hormones. This gland secretes hormones that cause physical changes like breast growth and menstruation in girls.
The study was led by researchers at the National Institutes of Health and Northwestern University.
The age at which girls begin puberty has gotten earlier and earlier in the past. DecadesFor reasons that are unclear, the trend is more pronounced among girls in communities of color and those from low-income families.
While factors such as genetics and diet play a role, research increasingly suggests that environmental exposures also play a role: the products people use every day and the foods and drinks they consume are all potential sources of exposure.
The authors identified several chemicals that stimulate key puberty-related receptors and may induce early puberty by inducing activation of the reproductive system in the hypothalamus.
Early puberty increases the risk of long-term health problems, including: Decreased fertilitydiabetes, Cardiovascular disease and breast cancer.
Exposure to toxic chemicals
One of the compounds identified in the study that may cause precocious puberty is Musk Ambrette, A fragrance ingredient used in cheap counterfeit perfumes, air fresheners and personal care products.
When tested on animal cells, Musk Ambrette was found to release one of the hormones that promotes puberty and leads to the production of sex hormones such as estrogen and testosterone.
The study focused on chemicals that may cause early puberty in girls. the study It has been noted that puberty is beginning earlier in girls, which may be because girls are more sensitive to hormones such as estrogen, which play an important role in growth and development.
of european union and Canada Musk Ambrette is banned from cosmetics by the International Fragrance Association. Prohibited from use as a fragranceHowever, products that don't specifically state “fragrance” on the ingredient label, or are imported or sold in thrift or dollar stores, may still contain fragrance.
Musk Ambrette is not used as an ingredient outside of perfumery, according to our reviews. Skin Deep® Database Over 100,000 personal care products. You may be exposed to Musk Ambrette. Contaminated food or liquids.
The study also identified a second group of chemicals called cholinergic agonists, which control muscle movement and memory. The researchers found that these chemicals activate receptors that mimic the body's natural hormones involved in initiating puberty, causing puberty to begin earlier than usual.
Cholinergic agonists are found primarily in prescription medications, but the study authors said chemicals with similar structures merit further investigation.
Hormonal disrupting chemicals
In other studies, Chemical Exposures and Early Menstruation. include Endocrine disrupting chemicalswhich may alter the normal functioning of hormones. However, more research is needed on possible sources of exposure.
Early puberty has been linked to toxic chemicals known as “forever chemicals.” PFAS, Phthalates and Phenoletc.
Reduce Exposure
It's impossible to completely avoid exposure to harmful chemicals in your daily life, as they're found in personal care and household products, as well as in your drinking water and food. However, you can reduce your exposure by taking the following steps:
- Choose safer products: Our Healthy Living Apps, Skin Deep Databases, and A guide to healthy cleaning Identify high scoring products. EWG Verified® These products have been reviewed by our scientists and are marked because they meet our rigorous standards for health and transparency.
- Avoid undisclosed scents. Beware of this term on product labels, as it may contain Musk Ambrette. Instead, choose products that disclose all fragrance ingredients or EWG Verified mark.
- review EWG's page on toxic chemicals For more information on the various substances, Consumer Guide Helps reduce exposure to chemicals.
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