Governments are advancing negotiations for a pandemic agreement to increase global preparedness for future emergencies
Negotiations by governments on the world's first agreement to protect people from future pandemics made significant progress during the latest round of discussions that ended today at the World Health Organization (WHO).
Significant progress on the draft agreement, increased involvement of civil society and non-state actors, and the commitment of all parties to maintain momentum towards an agreement on the pandemic were the hallmarks of the 11th meeting. Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB), which consists of 194 WHO member governments, and lasted from September 9 to 20 in Geneva. The negotiators will continue talks in the 12th round from November 4 to 15.
dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO director-general, praised the “collective commitment” shown by governments and other stakeholders to reach an agreement on the pandemic and the urgent need to do so in light of the persistent threat posed by viruses with pandemic potential.
“The next pandemic is not going to wait for us, whether it's from an influenza virus like H5N1, another coronavirus or another family of viruses that we don't know about yet,” Dr Tedros told the meeting. “But all the ingredients are in place to meet the countries' goal of negotiating a generational deal on the pandemic. The world needs hope that it is still possible for countries to find common solutions to common problems. You can provide that hope.”
Ambassador Anne-Claire Amprou, co-chair of the INB office in France, said the latest round of negotiations showed the commitment of governments to the pandemic agreement to make the world safer and healthier. It also demonstrated the key role played by civil society and other non-governmental stakeholders to ensure that equality, innovation and cooperation are at the heart of the agreement.
“During extensive discussions, WHO Member States have demonstrated a visible commitment to the Pandemic Agreement,” said Ambassador Amprou. “All countries have clearly recognized that we need to agree on a way forward to work better together to protect our citizens from future pandemics.”
Ambassador Amprou added: “The constructive contributions of relevant INB stakeholders have been incredibly valuable. Together, we must sustain this progress over the coming months to achieve our shared goal of creating a pandemic agreement that guides future global responses to pandemics.”
Each day during the last two weeks of discussions, relevant INB stakeholders joined the negotiators to receive updates on progress and next steps, the latest version of the draft agreement reflecting the latest government proposals and to offer suggestions. Detailed interactive dialogues were held during the past week on critical topics and publicly broadcast.
“There is a growing urgency for an effective Pandemic Agreement that not only prepares us for the next pandemic, but helps prevent it, including through the One Health approach,” said Nina Jamal, Head of Pandemics at global animal welfare organization FOUR PAWS. “We thank the Office for transparency towards relevant stakeholders, increased openness and constructive proposals from member states, promoting successful negotiations. We look forward to further progress on the content of the pandemic agreement and improved dialogue among member states to achieve a meaningful, effective result.”
Michelle Childs, Director of Policy Advocacy for the Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative (DNDi), added: “DNDi welcomes the sharing of draft texts and daily briefings. They help to improve the ability of stakeholders to monitor and input and counter misinformation about what is actually being discussed. We encourage further steps to increase transparency, including public disclosure of stakeholder interventions.”
Ms Precious Matsoso, INB South Africa Co-President, said progress had been made in core areas of the draft agreement, including research and development, strengthening regulatory systems, One Health, pandemic prevention and technology, supply chain networks and a new system for increased access pathogens with pandemic potential and benefit sharing, such as vaccines, diagnostics and treatment.
“After nearly three years of negotiations, countries are now focused on the remaining and most critical elements of the draft agreement to protect the world from future pandemics,” Ms Matsoso said.
Ms Matsoso added: “At the heart of the negotiations is the recognition that cooperation between countries will ensure that the world is not vulnerable to future pandemics, while each country retains its sovereignty and control over national health decision-making.”
IN December 2021a special session of the World Health Assembly established the INB to draft and negotiate a convention, agreement or other international instrument under the Constitution of the World Health Organization, in order to strengthen prevention, preparedness and response to the pandemic. At the World Health Assembly in June 2024governments have specifically committed to completing negotiations on a global agreement on the pandemic within a year at the latest, and possibly in 2024.
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