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Jake Paul supports Donald Trump for president; encourages fans to vote on his behalf since he cannot do so from Puerto Rico

Jake Paul supports Donald Trump for president; encourages fans to vote on his behalf since he cannot do so from Puerto Rico


Jake Paul is the latest social media influencer to support Donald Trump in his race for the White House.

The YouTuber turned boxer has apparently taken to social media to show his support for Trump ahead of the election and as he prepares for his fight with Mike Tyson on Netflix.

“Um, nervous, I'm afraid to make this video because of what it means in terms of my career, my life, people coming after me, more accusations, more unrest, more potential divisions,” said Paul said in the video he shared on X, the microblogging platform formerly known as Twitter.

Paul said his video speaks to undecided voters and encourages them to vote and do their own research on the candidates. He called for “basing research on the truth.” Not just reckless propaganda or your favorite pop star telling you to vote a certain way and you believe them because you like their song.

In his support video, Paul acknowledges that he cannot vote because he lives in Puerto Rico, “but that doesn't mean I can't present to my large audience of 80 million people facts, figures and appropriate data to encourage them to vote. vote the right way to literally save America.

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As a Puerto Rican resident, Paul referenced the distasteful “joke” made by Tony Hinchcliffe at a recent Trump rally, where he referred to Puerto Rico as a “floating island of garbage.” Paul said it was a “bad joke” and not Donald Trump's point of view, showing a clip of Trump's interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity in which he claims not to know who was the actor.

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“I believe that love is the key to the universe and that we should all love each other more and more and it saddens me that in the current political state of the world in America, people cannot have opinions without a scandalous reaction,” he said. continued. “I truly believe we can all agree that things just don’t seem right. America is not feeling well. This shows that we are more divided than ever and I can no longer stand idly by and watch this blasphemy unfold before me.”

Paul noted that Democrats have been in power for 12 of the last 16 years and that Kamala Harris has “basically no accomplishments” as vice president in Joe Biden's administration.

Paul blamed the media for the way they characterized Trump, and the YouTuber said he was “not concerned” about his “character flaws or what he's done in the past.”

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Paul told his disciples to “just look at the facts,” “think for themselves,” and “stop being deceived,” adding, “Don’t be a sheep in this world full of sheep. He predicted that after this video he would receive backlash saying he was “putting my business, my career on the line at my peak, going to fight Mike Tyson on Netflix, making her sit down to tell you the truth because that I give nothing.” damn, what are the consequences.

“Do the right thing, vote for Donald Trump,” he added. “Not because I said it, not because Beyoncé said it, but because it's what's right. And I have news for you, most of your favorite famous athletes and all that are secretly conservative because the left has created a world in which conservatives like me speaking out have major, major consequences.

Watch Paul's full statement in the video below.




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