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Barbados PM asks Donald Trump for face-to-face meeting on climate | Cop29

Barbados PM asks Donald Trump for face-to-face meeting on climate | Cop29


Mia Mottley, the prime minister of climate champion Barbados, invited Donald Trump to a face-to-face meeting where she would seek common ground and persuade him that climate action was in his own interest.

Let's find a common goal to save the planet and save livelihoods, she told the Guardian at the UN Cop29 climate summit in Azerbaijan. We are human beings and we have the ability to meet face to face, despite our differences. We want humanity to survive. And the evidence [of the climate crisis] we see almost every week now.

Only through personal meetings between world leaders can the massive changes needed in climate action be achieved, she believes. President Trump has been very clear about the importance of this type of face-to-face conversation in the problems he believes he can also solve.

Mottley, the prime minister who brought Barbados out of the Commonwealth realm into a republic, has been an electrifying presence at recent UN climate summits since taking to the stage at Cop26 in Glasgow in 2021 with a passionate speech demanding that world leaders do more to avoid condemning his country to death. Since then, she has acquired a global reputation as a formidable advocate for the developing countries most affected by climate change.

She also led a movement among developing and some developed countries to change the global financial system to generate the funds needed to move the world toward a low-carbon economy.

Trump's re-election casts a deep shadow over Cop29, which began Monday in Baku. Many world leaders came to attend the summit, but government leaders from most of the world's largest economies stayed away.

Delegates fear Trump will pull the U.S. out of the Paris climate accord, dismantle climate regulations and goals, and advance plans to drill, baby, drill for more fossil fuels. Scientists warn that if he keeps his election promises, the world has little hope of limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial temperatures.

Argentine negotiators representing the government of climate science denier Javier Milei were ordered on Wednesday to withdraw from Cop29 after just three days, reinforcing concerns about the stability of the Paris agreement.

But Trump had already shown a willingness to confront crises, Mottley noted. I think there are opportunities for discussion. The same warp speed with which President Trump has addressed the issue of vaccines and vaccine development is the same warp speed that we want to encourage him and others to consider decarbonization technology, he said. -she declared.

She also believes she could show Trump that the United States would benefit economically from tackling the climate crisis.

For example, she discussed the flaring of methane from oil and gas production sites. Installing relatively simple equipment to capture and use methane would be cost-effective, according to the International Energy Agency, which should please Trump.

Why would you want to burn gas and lose money, when you can burn gas and make money? she asked.

She also highlighted climate migration. If I can't live because I can't farm because I don't have access to water, or if floods come with an intensity and regularity that make it impossible for me to maintain my way of life, I will change where I live from.

Or if I don't have access to insurance and insurance is essential to my ability to get a loan, I'm going to have to move from where I operate. So we hope the sheer volume of climate migration will wake up those who have been slow to realize that it has to be a win-win.

Mottley argued that Trump would also have difficulty completely overturning the Inflation Reduction Act, which encourages clean energy, because many formerly depressed regions in the United States, including those traditionally voting for Republicans, have seen new jobs and new industries arise because of it.

We've had four years in which municipalities, states and the private sector have all made significant investments. [in a low-carbon economy] in the United States, she said. You are unlikely to see as sharp a turnaround as some fear.

Cop29 focuses on the issue of climate finance, with the aim of setting a new global target that would bring at least $1 trillion per year to developing countries, to help them reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and to adapt to the impacts of extreme climatic phenomena. weather report.

However, developed countries are likely to commit only a third of this amount in public finances from their foreign aid budgets and through the World Bank and similar institutions.

Mottley acknowledges that rich countries will not find enough cash in their own budgets, although she argues that they should do much more than they currently promise. She has a set of proposals, known as the Bridgetown Agenda, named after the capital of Barbados, that would generate more than $1 trillion a year in climate finance.

First, there are World Bank reforms that would help free up hundreds of billions more in liquidity and make loans cheaper and easier to access for the poorest and most vulnerable countries. Mottley says these efforts are already underway and have been successful so far.

She also wants new sources of income, called global solidarity levies, to collect funds, particularly from polluting activities, which can be used to finance the climate. These include a mandatory tax on business and first-class flights, with a voluntary tax on economy flights that passengers could choose to pay (because the free will of individuals matters); fees on international shipping; a tax on fossil fuel extraction that could raise $210 billion a year; and a 0.1% levy on financial transactions that would raise $480 billion per year.

The reality is that global public goods need dedicated sources of global financing. And if we were to extend the polluter pays principle, then those who contribute to the problem would have to help shoulder some of the burden. And those making huge profits should also leave a little something on the table, she said. This is certainly the one question that binds us all, because without a planet there will be no sustainable life.

Mottley also favors a billionaire wealth tax, proposed by Brazil. When you took the [Covid] vaccine injection, you didn't even feel it. The very rich, if asked to leave a little something on the table, will not feel it.

It is not the responsibility of COP29, nor of the UN, to impose such levies, and they are not part of formal discussions in Azerbaijan. However, a special working group including Barbados, France, Spain, Kenya and others, but not, as yet, the UK, is working to make these proposals a reality.

One vitally important step she hopes Cop29 will take will be to focus on methane. Emissions of this gas, from fossil fuel exploration, agriculture and waste, and which is far more powerful than CO2 in heating the planet, have increased, but efforts to control them have failed. present had little impact.

There needs to be a global agreement on methane, she said. Scientists said controlling methane could prevent 0.5C of warming in the short term. That seems like a no-brainer, Mottley said.




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