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Trump team ignores FBI background checks for some Cabinet picks

Trump team ignores FBI background checks for some Cabinet picks



President-elect Donald Trump's transition team is bypassing traditional FBI background checks for at least some of its Cabinet picks, while using private companies to conduct screening of potential candidates for administrative positions, say people close to transition planning.

Trump and his allies believe the FBI system is slow and rife with problems that could thwart the president-elect's plan to quickly begin work implementing his agenda, people briefed on the plans said. Critics say intrusive background checks sometimes reveal embarrassing information used to inflict political damage.

The discussions come as Trump has proposed several controversial picks for high-level positions in the US government, including Matt Gaetz for attorney general and Tulsi Gabbard for director of national intelligence.

Ultimately, the president has final authority over who he appoints and decides to share intelligence, regardless of the protocol established following World War II, to ensure that these selections do not have no unknown foreign ties or other issues that could raise national security concerns. concerns.

But bypassing background checks would run counter to a long-standing norm in Washington. It also reflects Trump's deep distrust of the national security establishment, which he derides as a deep state. Sources say he privately questioned the need for background checks on law enforcement.

Dan Meyer, a national security lawyer in Washington, D.C., said the new Trump administration does not want harmony. They don't want the FBI to coordinate a standard; they want to hammer the standard, he said.

Some Trump advisers began circulating a memo before the election urging him to bypass the traditional background check process for some of his appointees, a source with knowledge of the memo told CNN. Instead of relying on law enforcement, the memo proposed hiring private researchers who could move more quickly to conduct background checks.

The president-elect could, however, still decide to eventually submit names to the FBI.

Some of Trump's picks for positions in his administration could run into problems during a background check, posing potential hurdles during the confirmation process.

Gaetz has been mired for years in Justice Department and House ethics investigations related to sex trafficking. The Justice Department declined to charge Gaetz, and the House ethics investigation, days from being completed, effectively ended when the Florida congressman resigned his seat this week. Gaetz has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing.

Gabbard, meanwhile, has often appeared to take more favorable stances against foreign leaders widely seen not only as U.S. adversaries but, in some cases, brutal dictators, including the presidents of Syria and Russia, raising questions from the allies and critics.

Gabbard notably met with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Syria in 2017, and declared in 2019 that he was not an enemy of the United States.

In early 2022, she echoed Russian President Vladimir Putin's justifications for the country's invasion of Ukraine, placing blame not on Moscow but on the Biden administration's failure to recognize legitimate security concerns of Russia regarding Ukraine's membership in NATO, a popular trend of thought in some countries. circles on the right.

In addition to the confirmation process, the FBI background check is used to vet applicants for a security clearance, which a candidate for attorney general is required to have to do the job.

As president, Trump could circumvent the process and order Gaetz to obtain a security clearance, as he did in his first term to grant clearance to his son-in-law Jared Kushner after approval languished in amid questions about potential conflicts of interest.

Trump ordered clearances to be granted to about 25 people whose applications were initially denied over possible national security concerns, CNN previously reported.

If Gaetz does not participate in the vetting process, the FBI could still attempt to conduct a basic investigation at the request of the Senate. But a source close to the process stressed that it is difficult to collect certain data without consent.

U.S. officials are still waiting for Trump's transition team to submit a list of names, including those being considered for Cabinet positions, that will be formally considered for security clearances, the source said.

Trump's team has so far resisted participating in the formal transition process, which includes signing memorandums of understanding and confidentiality agreements generally considered a prerequisite for access to classified documents before the new administration takes office.

Instead, Trump's transition team focused on conducting its own internal selection of candidates for the highest positions in the administration.

The delay in screening candidates for clearance is also impacting the schedule of classified briefings for new administration officials, according to the source familiar with the process.

Although Trump will have the power to override any vetting concerns and grant access to sensitive documents once he takes office, he will only be able to do so after he is sworn in on January 20 . hired for key roles would not be able to receive briefings by then.

The Trump team's lack of urgency when it comes to pre-screening individuals for national security-related positions is not surprising and is consistent with how he handled the transition process after the 2016 elections, the source said. The Trump team was ill-prepared to take over in 2017, so the current lack of interest in participating in the vetting process may be normal, the source added.

Submitting people who currently have access to classified documents or who have already been reviewed could help move the process forward, while those who have no U.S. government experience will take some time. Trump's choice of Rep. Mike Waltz as national security adviser is one example.




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