2025 BMW X3 M50 | uk review
It's always nice to apply the experience of thousands of miles on one car to driving a direct replacement. This is especially true if it is a vehicle truly worthy of PH, such as the new GT3, Lotus sports car, or Golf GTI. Not necessarily this time, but it's fair to say. However, I am in a good position to discuss the new X3 M50 (currently hovering around two stars on the PH meter), having previously used the older X3 M40i as a family SUV for the couple. year.
And honestly, I really enjoyed it. Naturally, I'd still like to go fast someday, although the X3's combination of talents has proven very convincing over the past 20,000 miles or so. It's fast, sounds great, drives great, and is very practical. By current BMW standards, it looks pretty good. We often um and ah about replacing it, and then we come back to the X3. Because we are so great at everything we do as a family. It's capable of more than 450 miles on a tank when cruising at 30 mpg or more, the ride quality is decent even with the big wheels, and nothing brightens a trip like the occasional rasp of a BMW six-cylinder. Although it's still a little disappointing, I have to admit that it's a great car. Or he's good at it anyway.
Partially as a result, first impressions of this G45-era M50 are mixed. It's nice to finally see some colors included in the X3 color palette. Fire Red is an 875 option worth having. Despite being officially 39mm longer and 23mm wider, it looks more complex and bulkier than before. The back of the X3 looks large in a way that seems to lack subtlety at all. Nice details like the slender new LEDs are combined with less desirable details like the illuminated grille surround. If it's not the most egregious of current BMW designs, the X3 certainly doesn't rank as one of the best. (The answer to the question of which postcard it is actually lies in the postcard itself.)
As with many new BMWs, the interior feels like a real highlight, and the X3 is notable for being the first to combine iDrive 9 with physical dials and a huge screen. It's just as useful as you'd expect, and makes menus easier to navigate when your eyes are on the road. It's a shame that smudged black plastic replaces the buttons around the dial, making the X3 feel a bit cheap. In fact, some of the lower parts of the cabin may not feel as expensive as you might expect. But it looks fantastic, the display is very clear, the steering wheel is great and there are some nice touches like the fabric on the doors and top of the dashboard. Overall, it feels like a big step up from the G01. The G01 looks a bit old hat compared to now (and doesn't feel very well put together).
Startups are frustrating. While the old M40i exploded like a Skyline race car (or seemed to do so in comparison), the M50 just ends up like an appliance. That's a shame, considering the 3.0-liter B58 engine is identical but in fact more powerful. It seems really gentle. So BMW felt the need to include the IconicSounds feature in the M50, a technology typically found in EVs to give the powertrain a voice in sportier driving. When you have to manipulate the sound of your 3.0-liter BMW 6, you know something is wrong. Naturally, noise is never unpleasant. It would be difficult to completely mess up this configuration. However, only by turning this configuration off will you be able to see how muted the engine is currently. remorse.
Still, with more torque (428 lb ft versus 369 lb ft) to haul the heavier (135 kg, now 1,980 kg) X3, decent glugs don't need the stock quality. There's still a decent appetite for revs, very little lag, and the inherent smoothness of an inline engine that's always appealing. Shorter ratios always make 50 feel a bit livelier than 40, but that doesn't mean much. Shifts are quick and decisive, but you choose to execute.
But the biggest improvement is in driving. The existing M40 is good, but it's certainly not beyond improvement. Like all replacements, the M50 emphasizes that fact. According to BMW's press release, a wider rear track, increased rigidity and kinematic adjustments to both axles have resulted in a noticeable increase in agility, cornering stability and long-distance comfort compared to the previous model, and wouldn't you know it, they've done it. This X3 rides much more pleasantly on 21-inch wheels than a slightly busier car would on the same size rims, while turning sharper, gripping harder and cruising quieter.
It's actually really nice to drive. As with some of the best new M cars, it's easy to feel great confidence in the front end thanks to its inherent precision. The mass is expertly sorted out in terms of balance and body control, and the feel of a rear-wheel drive car is never far away when powering through a corner. Rather than feeling like a gimmick, this is an SUV that actively rewards driving in sporty mode. It's not the return of the M Performance hot hatch with a straight six, but this X3 is much better at making rapid progress than before, and its bandwidth has expanded to the point where it'll be the company of choice in any scenario. Soon, riding the family bus became a downgrade. And it rarely feels that way.
The X3 certainly feels very well-equipped to take on the upcoming Audi SQ5. This is probably its closest rival for a similarly sized SUV with a 3.0-litre petrol engine. Finally, it's worth pointing out that this X3, with its nice new interior and impressive handling, doesn't get much better than before. And that's unlikely to happen in 2024. The new M40i with a few options is currently available from BMW for $65,000, which is a 4,000 discount. This year's Ex demo still tops 60,000 units. In that context, and with the understanding that it can do without some options (but it absolutely includes adaptive suspension), the latest model offers a meaningfully improved package in the grand scheme of things. Of course, this assumes what it was like in the past. It's definitely not a sure thing. Otherwise, this X3 does exactly what its successor should do. In other words, it makes the older model look a bit dated. Clearly our old M40i doesn't feel that good anymore. Well done! It still sounds advantageous.
Specifications | 2025 BMW X3 M50
Engine: 2,998cc, 6 in-line gasoline Transmission: 8-speed automatic, 4-wheel drive Horsepower (hp): 398@5,200-6,250rpmTorque (lb ft): 428@1,900-4,800rpm0-62mph: 4.6 seconds Top speed: 155mph Weight: 1,980 kg (DIN) MPG: 35.8 (WLTP)CO2: 179 g/km (WLTP)Price: 66,980 (standard price, as tested price 77,980, including Fire Red paint for 875, 21-inch M 1037 Light Star Jet Black wheels for 900, heated) Steering wheel 250 units, M 625 adaptive suspension units, 1,350 pano roofs, luxury instrument panel 450 units, Technology Pack 2,275 units, Driving Assistant Professional 1,275 units, Parking Assistant Pro 800 units, Comfort Plus (rear seat window blind, front seat ventilated seat) ) 1,350 won, Comfort Pack (front lumbar support, travel and comfort system, front seat and rear heated seats, Harmon/Kardon sound) 850 won.
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