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Dozens of Congressmen push President Biden to 'advocate for Imran's immediate release'

Dozens of Congressmen push President Biden to 'advocate for Imran's immediate release'


46 members of Congress call for action on the US resolution calling for an investigation into the “rigging” of the February 8 elections

WASHINGTON: Dozens of US lawmakers have called on President Joe Biden to advocate for the immediate release of former Prime Minister Imran Khan and all other political prisoners in the country and ensure their safety in line with the findings of the panel's report of work of the United Nations.

In a letter to outgoing President Biden on Friday, as many as 46 members of Congress urged him to take action to implement the provisions of “H. Res. 901,” which passed the U.S. House of Representatives by an overwhelming majority in June of this year.

Pakistan denounced the resolution, saying it stems from an incomplete understanding of the political situation and electoral process in Pakistan.

Sharing the letter today on its official handle Urgent action for the release of Imran. Khan.

It further states that the letter, jointly led by Susan Wild and John James, criticizes the role of US Ambassador Donald Blome and his failure to incorporate the concerns of the Pakistani American community into his work, including meaningfully advocating in in favor of the release of political prisoners. the restoration of human rights or respect for democratic principles.

US lawmakers urge President Biden to advocate for Imran Khan's immediate release

In their letter to the President, the US lawmakers, while referring to the provisions of H. Res. 901, said the legislation brought together Democrats and Republicans in support of a shift in U.S. policy focused on escalating human rights violations and erosion of civil liberties in Pakistan following the tainted elections of irregularities from February 2024.

These elections were characterized by widespread irregularities, electoral fraud and state repression of the country's main party, the PTI, including disenfranchisement of the party before the vote, as well as annulment of the results. at the constituency level, which showed a landslide victory for the PTI. -associated independent candidates.

Since the elections, the situation has worsened with widespread restrictions on civil liberties, including freedom of expression, the letter reads.

US lawmakers have also expressed disappointment over the use of mass arrests, arbitrary detentions and the establishment of a de facto firewall against social media platforms, with reports of broader efforts aimed at slow down Internet access speeds.

The lawmakers said a focal point of their concerns was the illegal detention of former Prime Minister Imran Khan, imprisoned since August last year in multiple cases ranging from corruption to terrorism, “widely seen as the leading figure most popular policy of Pakistan”.

Many activists associated with the PTI, including senior party leaders such as Yasmin Rashid and Shah Mehmood Qureshi, have been in detention for over a year, the statement added.

The lawmakers said: Given these alarming developments, we believe a change in approach at the US Embassy in Islamabad is urgently needed.

The lawmakers further said they were unaware of efforts by the U.S. Embassy to incorporate the concerns of the Pakistani American community into its work, including significantly advocating for the release of political prisoners , the restoration of human rights or respect for democratic principles.

Last month, as many as 60 members of the US House of Representatives wrote a letter to the president, calling on him to use Washington's influence with Islamabad to secure Khan's release.

In their letter, the Democratic lawmakers had urged President Biden to prioritize human rights in US policy towards Pakistan.

“We write to you today to urge you to use the United States' considerable influence with the Pakistani government to secure the release of political prisoners, including former Prime Minister Khan, and end widespread human rights violations. 'man,' the lawmakers said.

The letter is the first collective call from several members of the US Congress for the release of Imran, who otherwise has difficult relations with Washington due to his long-standing criticism of US foreign policy, according to the U.S. Rep. Greg Casar, who led the party. letter.




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