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Have you been fired and lost your health insurance? There are options.


This is an updated version of paper Published on April 8th.

America’s Unusual health management system Associating work with coverage means that unemployed people will suddenly not be protected from medical costs when economic conditions are poor.

This is especially worrisome Millions of people People who are already unemployed because the public health crisis paralyzed the US economy. According to one estimate, Coronavirus Occurrences that occur can go away More tonsHe has 25 million Uninsured people.

American social safety net There is a big hole Because the healthcare system is fragmented and confused, new ways for the unemployed to replace the employer’s health benefits are new.

However, there are barriers to getting new coverage, such as the variety of what’s available by state, red tape, and cost. These burdens are even greater for those who are trying to register Unemployment insurance, Housing assistance and food benefits when adapting to new realities.

“It’s easy to lose coverage,” said Karen Politz, a senior researcher at the Henry J. Kaiser Family Fund. “It’s not the case to put it back.”

“There is still no way for everyone who is uninsured or uninsured to get new insurance,” she continued. “And for some people there is a way, but it’s really windy and if you get lost on the way, you’ll be caught in the news.”

But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. It is prudent to explore options because of the health and financial risks of not being insured.


Americans who have lost their jobs and work-based health benefits in a company with at least 20 employees can choose to stay with their current health insurance, usually for 18 months, and sometimes longer. Cobra Named after the law that created it, the 1985 Integrated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act gives ex-employees that right.

But there is a big problem. These unemployed are required to pay full insurance premiums (and a 2% administration fee).

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, last year the average cost of one person’s work-based health benefits was almost $600 per month and over $1,700 for family insurance. Investigation.. Employers, on average, cover almost 80% of single-worker premiums and 70% cover family insurance. But with COBRA, the cost is significantly higher.

“Due to the cost, the vast majority of people will not take COBRA,” Pollitz said.

He also said that maintaining the same policy and paying the full premium might make sense for the unemployed to buy it. For example, pregnant women may not want to switch policies and doctors before childbirth, and those in the middle of treatment may prefer continuous care.

“This can be a lifeline,” Pollitz said.

To qualify for COBRA, the unemployed can opt in for 60 days and the coverage is uninterrupted. COBRA participants can make their first payment within 45 days, covering the period from the end of their employment until that day.

Medicaid and Child Health Insurance Program

These two programs are co-sponsored and funded by the federal government and states, and each state has different benefits and income limits. But Medicaid is generally for very low-income people-including unemployed people who have no income at all, except for unemployment insurance.

Medicaid eligibility is based on the monthly income the applicant applies for, $600 extra week Unemployment benefits approved by Congress this year do not count towards qualification, neither $1,200 tax credit Most Americans should receive this year as part of their stimulus law.

Since children’s health insurance programs are known, anyone with a minor child living at home must first check if the child is eligible for Medicaid or Tip. (Adopted by many countries Another name These programs. For example, Medicaid is called TennCare, Tennessee, and Vermont’s Chip is called Dr. Dynasaur. )

“If you have children, Medicaid is worth a look in all states,” Pollitz said. “This is a free, comprehensive article.” Parents can check their child’s eligibility and go to the following site to apply for coverage. Adults can check their eligibility

To 30 states, Children in households that earn up to 3 times Federal poverty level -A family of 3 about $65,000 per year-Access to CHIP or Medicaid. In 19 states, the cap is more than three times that of poverty, and in two states only children of families with up to twice the income of the poor can register.

In most cases, Medicaid and CHIP programs do not charge a premium for children or adults (but In some states), and these programs usually only require a small cost sharing, such as out-of-pocket.

The situation is even more complicated for adults, especially for people with disabilities and minor children living at home.

Under affordable care laws, 37 states We have expanded Medicaid to benefit every adult who earns up to 133% of poverty levels, or about $17,000 a year alone. Voters of Missouri And Oklahoma Approved a Medicaid extension this year, but the benefits are not yet available. Wisconsin did not fully expand Medicaid, but will provide compensation to those who earn up to the poverty limit, which is about $12,800 per person per year.

In an expanding nation, Medicaid may serve as a valuable temporary gap for those who lose work and health benefits. “If you have a big change in your income, like losing your job, earning zero income and living in most of the extended states, most of the states, you could: Get qualified for Medicaid,” Polts said. Said.

Them 12 states Refused to expand Medicaid 2 million low-income adults If you don’t have children at home, you probably don’t qualify.

parent You may be qualifiedHowever, in non-expanded states, eligibility is severely limited, from just 7% of Texas poverty, or $1,520 per year for a family of three, to 95% of Tennessee poverty, or $20,600. The range.

Medicaid benefits can be applied retroactively for up to 3 months. This means that the program can cover medical costs incurred by qualified but unregistered people. This is useful if the new unemployed takes some time to figure it all out. Medicaid and Tip registrations are available all year round.

In Minnesota and New York, some people are too high for Medicaid Another option: Affordable care methods Basic health program.. Minnesota Minnesota Care And of New York Essential plan It is open to people who earn up to twice the poverty level, which is about $32,000 per person. New Yorkers may have to pay up to $20 per month for essential plans and Minnesota may have to pay up to $80 per month for coverage in Minnesota Care.

Private health insurance

The annual open registration period of the health insurance exchange market is Affordable care method It won’t be created until autumn, but by law people can register Apply for a subsidy Every time they experience it”Qualifying life event.. Losing your work-based health benefits is one of those events.

Residents of 38 states can look for coverage After unemployment, even outside the annual open registration period. People who live California, Colorado, Connecticut, Idaho, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, State of Washington And that District of Columbia When they get unemployed, they use state exchanges to look for insurance.

Losing an employer-based medical benefit allows people to enroll in the exchange, but not those who did not have an employer-based medical benefit in the first place. These people will have to wait until the next open registration period.

However, Native Americans and Alaska Natives in every state Can register Through exchange at any time.

In addition, people in the states that did not expand Medicaid with incomes below the poverty level are not eligible for financial assistance to pay private health insurance.

This so-called Coverage gap It exists because private insurance subsidies are no longer needed for this population as affordable care laws were to implement the Medicaid expansion nationwide. But 2012 Supreme Court ruling This allowed the state to refuse expansion and the poorest adults lacked affordable compensation options.

Health insurance replacement policies tend to be expensive without subsidies, similar to insurance plans purchased directly from insurance companies. Average price of “Benchmark” mid-level silver plan Sold on an exchange like With a monthly tax of $462 this year, these policies include deductions in the thousands of dollars that must be paid before full compensation can begin.

The Affordable Care Act offers two types of subsidies to address these issues.

Initially called Premium tax creditLower monthly premiums, available on a sliding scale for people with incomes from poverty levels to 400% of that amount (about $51,000 per person per year). In addition, it can be received by those who earn between poverty and 250% of poverty, or about $32,000 per person.”Reduced cost sharing” Reduce deductions, self-payments, etc.

Those seeking to replace work-based health insurance from exchange must first apply for the right to shop for compensation. This requires documentation from the original employer or original insurer to confirm that the previous coverage is ending or will end. People seeking to enroll in a plan that complies with the direct exchange policy or the Affordable Care Act from an insurance company must complete a new enrollment within 60 days of their loss of insurance under these rules.

Exchange shoppers must be prepared for long hold times on the customer service line, Local admission counselorPolits advised. Playing cards Big cut Enrollment assistance can be difficult to schedule, so people need to try multiple counseling organizations, she said.

Subsidy eligibility is based on projected annual income rather than current monthly income such as: Medicaid And chips. Unemployed workers must record their income along with unemployment insurance payments prior to unemployment. Weekly unemployment gains of $600 are included in this total, but $1,200 tax refunds are not included.

Exchange registrants will also need to renew their income if they go up or down after registration. Customers with too many subsidies May need to repay it When they file their 2020 income tax.

Alternative coverage options

of Trump administration And there are several states Promote alternatives What”Obama care″ Exchange coverage that some unemployed would like to consider, including short-term policies that can last up to a year.

These short-term plans offer significant savings each month compared to comprehensive insurance sold on the exchange. But it comes with that low price Big financial risk..

Unlike Affordable Care Act and employer plans, short-term plans Can reject the consumer Due to existing conditions. You can also refuse to pay insurance if the insurer later determines that you have been treated for what you have determined to be “existing”. These policies also often have poor coverage for essential needs, such as hospitalization, and can limit benefits by a certain amount and refuse to cover more.

Similar risks exist for people who choose other options. Christian Health Sharing Ministries And that Agriculture Bureau plan Sold in Iowa and Tennessee.

“The theory about these other things is: Something is better than nothing. Even if something is free, other things make you pay.” Pollitz said.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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