Another coronavirus that infects pigs can be even more dangerous to humans
Researchers warn that the swine acute diarrhea syndrome coronavirus (SADS-CoV) can cripple the pork industry and cause problems for people, similar to COVID-19.
Chapel Hill, North Carolina — As scientists continue to work on vaccines COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears, Another coronavirus strain is very worried. Researchers at the University of North Carolina say that the diseases that currently infect pigs can also affect humans. They warn that the outbreak of this coronavirus will not only endanger people, but will also devastate the pork industry.
Studies show that swine acute diarrhea syndrome coronavirus (SADS-CoV) Derived from bats Before moving to a herd of pigs in China. This is very similar to the way COVID is believed to have started before the pandemic. Researchers say SADS-CoV causes severe diarrhea and vomiting in patients, especially for young piglets.
Unlike COVID-19, this porcine coronavirus has been known to scientists since 2016. Another difference between strains is that SADS-CoV is an alphacoronavirus that primarily causes gastrointestinal illness. SARS-CoV-2, a virus that produces COVID-19, is a betacoronavirus that primarily causes respiratory illness in humans.
Is it more infectious than COVID-19?
The UNC team experimented with SADS-CoV in lab tests to see if the virus was potentially possible. Jump into the population.. Their results show that porcine coronavirus can effectively replicate in human liver and intestinal cells. It can also spread to the respiratory tract like SARS-CoV-2.
“Many researchers are focusing on new possibilities for betacoronaviruses like SARS and MERS, but in reality, alphacoronaviruses are human, given the potential for rapid interspecific jumps. We find that health concerns are just as prominent, “said epidemiology professor Ralph University release..
Studies show that there are no human infections in the records, but the COVID pandemic clearly warns that the virus can easily be transferred from one species to another. The Chapel Hill team also reports that SADS-CoV can be as problematic for people as COVID-19.
Experiments with a wide variety of mammalian cells have shown that porcine coronavirus Human intestinal cells From SARS-CoV-2. Herd immunity usually prevents animal viruses from invading humans, but humans do not yet have immunity to SADS-CoV.
“SADS-CoV is derived from the bat coronavirus called HKU2. HKU2 is a heterogeneous group of viruses distributed around the world,” explains research specialist Caitlin Edwards. “It is not possible to predict whether this virus, or a closely related HKU2 bat strain, will emerge and infect human populations. However, the wide host range of SADS-CoV is the primary human. Combined with its ability to replicate in lung and intestinal cells, it represents a potential risk of future emergence events in human and animal populations. “
Can humans protect themselves from the swine coronavirus?
One of the promising findings from this study is that drugs currently fighting COVID-19 may also fight the porcine coronavirus. The authors of the study state that remdesivir produces a strong effect when introduced into SADS-CoV.
“Promising data from remdesivir provides potential treatment options in the event of a human spillover event,” Edwards adds. “It is advisable to continuously monitor both pig workers and pig populations for signs of SADS-CoV infection to prevent outbreaks and major economic losses.”
The drug is already widely used throughout the United States, including post-infection use by President Trump. Researchers warn that more tests are needed, but they say proven treatments are essential to prevent catastrophic outbreaks.
for Food industryOutbreaks in the United States can undermine global pork production. One-third of all pork products came from the United States in 2019.
“We are currently looking for a partner to investigate the potential of SADS-CoV vaccine candidates to protect pigs,” says Baric. “Surveillance and early isolation of infected piglets from sows provide an opportunity to reduce the potential for greater outbreaks and human spillover, but vaccines offer future global spread and human emergence events. Can be the key to limiting. “
The study will be displayed in Minutes of the National Academy of Sciences..
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