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covid-19: The study states that the new coronavirus may undergo mutations that can be more deadly and contagious.

covid-19: The study states that the new coronavirus may undergo mutations that can be more deadly and contagious.


Houston: Novel Coronavirus Accumulating Genetic mutationAccording to a study involving more than 5,000 people, one of them may have increased infectivity COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears Patients in the United States.

However, studies published in the journal mBIO did not find that these mutations were fatal to the virus or altered clinical outcomes.

Researchers noted that a mutation called D614G is in a spike protein that breaks open cells for virus invasion.

“The virus mutates due to a combination of neutral drift (meaning random genetic changes that don’t help or hurt the virus) and pressure from the immune system,” said Ilya Finkelstein, an associate professor at the University of Texas. I have. ” In Austin, Texas, USA.

During the first wave of the pandemic, researchers said 71 percent of the novel coronaviruses identified in Houston patients had this mutation.

They said the variant had jumped to a prevalence of 99.9 percent when the second wave of outbreaks struck Houston during the summer.

According to researchers, this reflects trends observed around the world.

The reason why strains containing this mutation outperform those without it is Natural selection Researchers said they favored more susceptible strains of the virus.

However, some scientists have proposed another explanation called the “founder’s effect.”

In that scenario, the D614G mutation could have been more common in the first viruses that arrived in Europe and North America, and researchers said it was essentially a good start in other strains.

Spike proteins also continue to accumulate additional mutations of unknown importance, they said.

The team also demonstrated in laboratory experiments that at least one such mutation allows spikes to evade human-generated neutralizing antibodies to combat SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Researchers said this could make it easier for mutants of the virus to slip through the immune system.

It’s not yet clear if it will be more easily transmitted between individuals, but they said.

Scientists have pointed out a total of 285 mutations across thousands of infections, most of which do not appear to have a significant effect on the severity of the disease.

Five Most Required Skills in the Postcovid Workplace

Need to improve time skills

Skill up is the order of the day, whether it’s because the industry has been affected, you’ve been asked to resign, or you’re just considering a change. And the new normal means that certain skills are highly sought after in the post-COVID-19 world, given that many of our normal lifestyles have changed. Employees around the world are forced to adapt to their digital infrastructure and work remotely. This requires learning new skills. Not only technical skills, but also soft skills to smoothly transition to new work styles are required. Laksh Mitra, Vice President of the Center of Excellence (CoE), and Clover Academy of Clover Infotech share the best skills in the postcovid world.

problem solving

Problem-solving skills are essential in remote work scenarios. This can pose a range of challenges, as employees are virtually collaborating and communicating. Problem-solving skills allow employees to work reasonably on problems and see them as opportunities. In this way, they can identify the most effective ways to remedy the situation and ensure the smooth functioning of business operations.


The current global crisis has tested not only the ability of employees to perform in remote work environments, but also their emotional resilience. Some companies have announced telecommuting until the end of 2020, with managers managing teams remotely, inspiring teams with results-based management and developing strong leadership qualities to get the best out of it. Is indispensable. Companies are organizing courses to improve their leadership and middle management teams to better plan and manage their work and to build friendships between teams remotely.

Cyber ​​security expert

Most of the workforce is at home, so hackers use it as an opportunity to launch cyberattacks. According to recent reports, the number of cyberattacks on personal computers, networks and routers has increased significantly. As IT and cybersecurity become more important than ever, cybersecurity professionals are on the priority list of all companies.

Communication skills

In remote work and collaboration, it is very important to communicate clearly and plan well to get the most out of your team. From employee training and skill improvement to project implementation on time, communication skills can be very important and can be a key factor in distinguishing a successful project from other projects.


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