COVID-19 Pandemic Mental Health Crisis Calls for Suicide Reduced
When COVID-19 hit and BC was blocked, something unexpected happened to Stacy Ashton, executive director of BC’s crisis line.
The state government provided her money to help British Columbia residents deal with the mental health stress of a pandemic.
Also, at BC’s Crisis Intervention & Suicide Prevention Center, cash injections were required as volunteers were quarantined and staff had to hire people to work on the line.
“What we’re seeing about the impact of COVID is a 25% increase in call volume,” Ashton said.
The proportion of reasons for the call remained stable, but Ashton said people were reaching out due to the effects of global or political events.
She said their effects and uncertainties made people uneasy and depressed.
Indeed, as Canadians become more isolated, many have expressed concerns about mental health. October report from the non-profit Angus Reid Institute Said.
However, although suicide rates are lower than in the previous year, Canadians are not reaching out to the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) pandemic medical services, according to a new study.
Emily Jenkins of the UBC Nursing School also shows that some groups have a greater pandemic impact than others, including people with existing medical conditions, parents of children under the age of 18, and members of the LGBTQ community. I explained.
“Not everyone is equally affected when it comes to mental health effects and suicidal ideation,” Jenkins said.
According to her, political responses from both Ottawa and Victoria to protect people’s well-being have helped. But the question is whether people will accept the help.
Canadians are not reaching out
However, Canadians are not using as much as they can get from the support provided by the government, he said, a new study from UBC and CMHA announced on November 10.
In May, 65% of 3,000 survey participants reported a negative impact on mental health related to COVID-19, but other apps, websites, digital tools, or other without direct contact with mental health. Only 2% reported access to online mental health resources such as support. Care provider.
“These programs are in an ideal position for the difficult experiences and emotions we see during a pandemic,” Jenkins said. “They are very suitable for people who have problems dealing with them and need some help to manage their mental health.”
Only 10% reported self-harm or coping as “totally unsuccessful” due to pandemic stress, saying they used the available tools.
Of those who experienced suicidal ideation or suicidal ideation, 8% said they used support, and 7% of respondents who reported “significantly worse” mental health during the pandemic said they used it. It was.
Suicidal ideation and self-harm can also be affected by isolation, limited social support, changing access to mental health care and services, and overwhelming multiple competing demands, Jenkins said. Said high.
“Anxiety, depression, loneliness, and hopelessness are so prevalent that they may be related to suicidal tendencies,” Jenkins said.
In fact, according to a Public Health Agency of Canada study, people dealing with this condition during COVID are four times more likely to have suicidal ideation and 2.5 times more likely to feel depressed. 3 times more likely to have a problem with, deliberately hurt myself.
And the increase in call volume at the Crisis Center is not surprising.
Pandemic worsens mental health
According to Statistics Canada, “Canadian civilians also reported that their mental health deteriorated after the onset of physical distance.”
However, Canadians have reported greater mental health concerns during the pandemic, which has not been translated into the worst-case scenario in British Columbia, where suicide rates have declined compared to 2019.
Overall, BC Coroners Service statistics show that the number of suicides in British Columbia from January to August was down 7% compared to 2019.
In addition, with the exception of Island Health, which saw an increase of 3% compared to last year, health authorities clearly reduced suicide deaths. The most declining health authorities are 33% Northern Health, followed by 11% Fraser Health. Vancouver Coastal was down 1% and Interior Health was down 4%.
But that doesn’t mean that British Columbia people aren’t feeling pandemic-related stress.
Crisis Center investigations show that British Columbia residents are experiencing mental health concerns. And it’s Metro Vancouver, which shows the biggest increase in these concerns, the center found. About 28% of Vancouver respondents say their mental health is now moderate to poor compared to before the pandemic.
And the Crisis Center, reported in June, reported that call charges had risen. “People are facing unexpected financial and social stress due to sudden unemployment, fear of illness, pressure of self-isolation, etc.” the center said earlier.
Ashton said what the federal and state governments did to provide assistance to Canadians was in line with what other socially oriented countries did.
She quoted a new study from the University of Larestan Medical Sciences in Iran. This shows that suicide rates are low in countries that offer larger social assistance networks, labor market assistance and suicide prevention programs to residents.
“The presence of social support and the support of labor markets in different countries can reduce the harmful psychological consequences of a recession,” the study said.
How to find help with COVID stress
So what can people access and deal with as the pandemic continues?
In April, Victoria announced $ 5 million to expand its existing mental health programs and services and launch new services to assist British Columbia citizens.
The state also cooperated Foundry Youth Center, Canadian Mental Health Association – BC Division, BC Psychological Society Others that provide expanded mental health services.
Other online mental health resources available free of charge to Canadians include:
- CMHA’s BounceBack is currently available in BC, Manitoba and Ontario and will soon be rolled out nationwide through gifts from Bell Let’s Talk.
- Wellness Together Canada, a federal-funded program
- Resources developed and funded by WellCan, corporate, community and public sector partners
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