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Studies have shown that the spread of asymptomatic COVID is rare. So why are healthy people isolated?

Studies have shown that the spread of asymptomatic COVID is rare. So why are healthy people isolated?


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so New research A team of researchers at the University of Florida and the University of Washington, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), have found some important information that should change the way we handle the presence of COVID-19. COVID-19 rarely spreads the virus.

The authors of the study conducted a “meta-analysis of 54 studies with 77,758 participants” to elucidate the “estimated overall household secondary incidence” of COVID-19. The secondary incidence of the virus determines how much the disease infects homes and other closed populations. By doing this, they found that symptomatic cases were 18% to .7% more likely to be infected with the virus than asymptomatic cases.

The authors report that “the substantial lack of infection from observed asymptomatic probands is noteworthy. These findings indicate that asymptomatic probands play a limited role in domestic transmission. It is consistent with other home studies that are doing. “

Experts have suspected this for some time, but the evidence based on contract tracking has not been publicly reported by solid sources like JAMA. The report concluded that their findings “households are, and will continue to be, an important place for infection, even in areas where infection is declining.”

This news may sound overwhelming, but don’t be fooled by the dry jargon. This should be a game changer for how we as a society handle COVID-19 in the near future. Furthermore, now that we know this, we admit that closing schools, businesses, especially outdoor areas such as playgrounds, was not based on real science, but on strange elitist groupthink rooted in horror horror. Should be.

Not only because this is science, but since the closure of schools, the blockade of businesses, and the beginning of the obligatory mask, which are the three main areas of American life, science betraying the politicians of the story has been in everyone’s throat. It’s important because it’s clogged up.

Dr. Anthony Fauci in an interview in June Said “Science is true.” But even last summer, medical professionals have already Suggestion School needs to reopen, Including Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In this study, published in December, “secondary incidence is one more than adult contact than child contact, spouse more than other family contact, and households with three or more contacts. Households with contact were higher. “

This supports the already discovered scientific fact that children rarely spread the virus. Nevertheless, the school remains closed or imposes a quarantine protocol on students and teachers that halves the school building. If a school child or school employee tests positive for COVID-19, anyone who comes into contact on that day is obligatory. Isolate for 2 weeks.

The same protocol applies to students who come into contact with adults with COVID-19 outside of school. This doesn’t make sense. Child-to-adult transmission is rare, and asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 has also been found to be rare. Still, the school remains completely locked down or shuffles the herd of children in rotation based on who has come into contact with the virus. This often means that half of the school staff, employees, and students, despite being fine, are missing because they are at home and isolated.

The study was initially fear-based to completely blockade society and close outdoor areas such as businesses, entertainment, schools, churches, and even playgrounds, but continued as a means of tyrannical control. It provides even more evidence. Science has surpassed that. Discovering that asymptomatic people rarely spread the virus is like discovering that the world is really round and you can’t fall from it. Now we can all go farther.

This information also disables mask mandates. To be honest, it was okay to wear a mask at first, but it seems strange that it was often required by executive order outside. The fact that companies drive people out by not wearing masks is because they thought they needed to enforce an executive order established through political flats through elite groupthink-that’s Far from what is not a very ignorant rabbit hole.

Did the airline drive a two-year-old child and his family out of the plane to not wear a mask? Asinin. Is the school effectively letting children learn because teachers are afraid to get sick, even though there is little child-to-adult transmission rate? Two-stage. Can owners and employees live a decent life because their salons, restaurants, small businesses, indoor playgrounds, bars and craft stores remain closed and need to spread the virus frequently? It’s meaningless and unscientific.

The first is to block the country from pure horror, and frankly hope that science backs up all these protocols, but science reveals who and how to get COVID-19. As soon as we started, the protocol should have changed accordingly, not for our financial and economic health, but also for our mental and emotional health.

Now we know better and can’t sue for ignorance. “Science is true,” Fauci says, and science probably doesn’t spread it if you don’t have COVID-19 symptoms. So, unless otherwise, it’s time to throw away the mask, open the country, reopen school, and live life.

Earlier versions of this tory stated that symptomatic cases were more likely to be infected with the virus than asymptomatic cases, ranging from 18% to .07% and actually .7%. ..


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