A new Covid-19 variant associated with increased viral load in the blood
Hypothesis that it is spreading rapidly United Kingdom Analysis suggesting that the Covid-19 virus variant is associated with a high load of the virus in the blood enhances the benefits of infection.
A variant named B117 was discovered during an investigation into why cases of coronavirus in Kent continued to increase during the November blockade. Scientists have found that while older variants are declining, they continue to spread during restrictions.
Some of the lighthouse laboratories established in April to enhance Covid-19 testing capabilities, such as in London and Manchester, when the Covid-19 Genomics UK Consortium warned about the benefits of B117 and its infections. , I was starting to see evidence of a new variant in the sample. ..
Dr. Michael Kidd of the PHE Institute for Public Health in Birmingham and his team analyzed a total of 641 samples based on tests from symptomatological patients and found evidence of B117 among other variants. Approximately 35% of patients infected with B117 had high levels of virus in their samples, whereas 10% of patients without mutations said in a study that had not yet been peer-reviewed.
“Patients with this variant appear to have a high viral load. What is clear is that they are more likely to infect others,” Kidd said, with the data being preliminary and more evidence. Warned that is needed. Collected before drawing a firm conclusion.
Scientists say they are confident that B117 has the benefits of infection. Modeling studies by researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine have estimated that the infection rate is about 56% higher than in previous variants.
Numerous factors can explain why it is more contagious. The more infectious the mutant, the less viral particles the host needs to pass the pathogen. The virus can also replicate faster in the respiratory tract, infect people longer, and make them more susceptible to infection.
“Exactly how [ the variant] Reaching high viral load is another big issue, “Kid said, adding that laboratory-based confirmation is needed to understand the biological basis of the benefits of transmission.
“Like a piece of a jigsaw puzzle, we need other evidence. The importance of this study is preliminary and needs to be repeated, but one of the reasons why this virus can spread more easily. I think it provides a ground-based explanation, because patients are more infectious. “
Early data suggest that British variants do not make people sick or increase the likelihood of reinfection or death. However, high infection rates without strict control can still lead to high mortality rates.
A male in Colorado became the first known US case of a newly identified strain of Covid-19 circulating in the United Kingdom. The new variants are considered to be more contagious than other established variants, and some countries are restricting travel from the United Kingdom.
According to the state health department, a Colorado man who signed a new variant called B117 was in his twenties and had no travel history. In a statement, Governor Jared Polis said health officials were investigating how men were infected with the virus while he was quarantined and recovered.
No new variants have previously been found in the United States, but the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has pointed out that it is likely that they are already in circulation in the United States. Authorities said the sequencing efforts have not identified new variants, but “there are only 51,000 of the 17 million US cases in the lab.”
“Continuous travel between the UK and the UK America, And the high prevalence of this variant in current UK infectious diseases, as well as increasing the likelihood of imports, “the CDC said in a statement. “Given a small portion of the sequenced US infections, variants may already be present in the US without being detected.”
New variants have recently been detected in at least 17 countries, including South Korea, Spain, Australia and Canada. On Christmas Day, the CDC issued new guidelines for travelers from the United Kingdom, demanding proof that the Covid-19 test is negative.
Travel history
Carlos del Rio, an infectious disease expert at Emory University, tweeted that a Colorado man who tested positive for a new variant had no travel history, and the new variant was already in the U.S. community. He said it was important in that it suggested that it was spreading.
“There’s a lot we don’t know about this new Covid-19 variant, but British scientists warn the world that it’s much more contagious,” Police said. Stated in a statement. “We are working to prevent the spread of the virus and contain it at all levels.”
New variants of the coronavirus have been nearly seen since the virus was first detected in China almost a year ago. It is common for viruses to make small changes as they propagate and move within a population.
The United States, unlike the United Kingdom, does not widely and consistently track the genomic sequence of Covid-19 infection, and the process for tracking viral mutations is not very robust.
“The fact that Colorado was the first to detect this variant in the country is a testament to Colorado’s sophisticated response,” said Jill Hansakar Ryan, secretary general of the state’s public health department, in a statement. Stated. “We are currently using all the tools available to protect public health and mitigate the spread of this variant.”
The United States has more than 19.46 million coronaviruses, more than any other country.As a healthcare professional, older people and other Americans begin to receive the first dose of the coronavirus vaccine developed by modern And Pfizer, The country has noticed that it is fighting a massive surge in incidents. In some parts of the country, including Los Angeles, hospitals have been overwhelmed and forced to refuse ambulances. – Guardian
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