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Britain lost Paisley’s equivalent population to Covid-19

Britain lost Paisley’s equivalent population to Covid-19


It is unlikely that the entire population of a Scottish town will disappear from street to street in less than a year.

In fact, it sounds like something from a science fiction novel.

But the horrifying truth is that since the beginning of the pandemic, the number of people currently known to have been lost by the coronavirus in Britain corresponds to the loss of all the inhabitants of a town as large as Paisley. is.

When news of the Wuhan outbreak first arrived at us, about 80,000 men, women, and even children died as a result of the virus Covid-19, which appeared to be very distant.

Since then, life has changed in almost every respect. Family and friends were separated from each other socially. Offices were closed and education was conducted remotely.

read more: Covid figures in Scotland today: 93 deaths recorded as more cases

And instead of disappearing, the virus mutates into a more contagious strain, holding the UK firmly.

As many as 1325 new deaths were reported on Friday. This is hundreds less than the population of Howwood village near Paisley.

With more than 2.95 million individual cases, more than half of Scotland’s population has been found in the UK since recording began.

In Japan alone, which has 5.4 million people, the number of citizens killed by the coronavirus is approaching 7,000. On Friday, the 24-hour recorded number of positive Covid deaths reached 93, reaching a new disappointing marker. Daily total since the onset of the crisis.

This is all despite the coordinated efforts of the government, police and health commissions.

Scottish Government fears more people traveling on the road or in the public transportMany people ignore the “curfew” in force on the mainland and some islands, despite the clear and solid guidance to stay within the area of ​​the municipality and go out only for essential purposes. It’s too much.

Scottish police fined approximately 700 cases for Covid violations between mid-December and January 3.

Other than following the rules of hygiene and distance, the virus cannot be seen, smelled, tasted or avoided.

Nonetheless, the stubborn tension of emotions towards the mask remains, and some continue to support the idea that Covid-19 is somehow a hoax. Coordinated groups through social media are active in major cities such as Edinburgh, Glasgow and Dundee, where protests over restrictions are taking place, but this is a minority position.

Dr. Lynne Taylor, a NHS Grandpian psychiatrist, states that this perspective can be a defense mechanism. “People want to feel safe naturally,” she told Sunday National. “It’s not as strong as denial, but it can be safer for people to be protective, feel they aren’t a threat, and act on that belief.”

Staying at home limited to the social media bubbles of your choice can also shape your pandemic outlook, Taylor says. “Some people find it difficult to actually see the potential consequences of this ideology.

read more: Coronavirus: Scotland with the highest number of Covid cases

“For example, working from home, not in the NHS environment, not in the care environment, and seeing the actual impact on people is very difficult for the general public. They still don’t know anyone. Maybe. I had or had Covid, but the individual recovered so quickly that I believe the symptoms are mild and therefore safe and have no effect.

“They only have their own thresholds. That’s what you see in the news far away.

“Some people are willing and comfortable in keeping with the belief that they are not at risk.

“People will see really terrible numbers about Covid’s death, but I don’t think he’s well educated about the potential effects Covid can have in the long-term and subtle ways.”

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