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Volunteers helping medical students find a cure for their disease again


The best of the best scientists and researchers around the world is endless Invest all their energy Finding a vaccine that will kill the new pandemic corovirus affecting more than 200 countries.

To help out, Emory University medical student was one of the first to volunteer. Vaccine test Physicians are cementing their hopes to end this global nightmare.

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31-year-old PhD candidate Sean Doyle is a 4th year medical student, Daily email, He received medication last month. Developed by the National Institutes of Health and Massachusetts-based biotechnology company Moderna Inc.

Emory University

On the basis of USA TODAY Reportedly, Seattle volunteers also took part in the vaccine trial, moving to Stage 2 after only a few reported side effects.

In addition, the report adds that participants are not exposed to the coronavirus itself and therefore are not susceptible to infection from the shot. Instead, synthetic messenger RNA (mRNA) is used to immunize against the virus.

RNA stands for Ribonucleic acid is the biological process by which cells produce something.


In such a trial Possibility of narrowing something down to help immunize the body Against the virus. RNA vaccines stimulate cells to form spike proteins that mimic the structure of coronaviruses. If the test is successful, the body is conditioned to recognize the spike protein and develop antibodies that help protect it from future infections.

However, as with all medical trials, RNA vaccines are not risk-free and there is no evidence of how well they work in large groups of people.

Dr. Ameja Adalja from Johns Hopkins University CNN“There are no precedents for them to be approved for use, and we know everything about them how they behave in a large number of people and what side effect profile they have. Not. “

Dr. Adalja also added that vaccine development usually takes years, and sometimes decades. “As a result of decades of research, such as HIV and hepatitis C, there are some infectious diseases for which vaccines are not available. The only way to actually contain this virus is to use a vaccine. “

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Returning to being a medical student, Doyle informs CNN that she already knows all the risks she is exposed by taking part in an unknown drug trial. He said, “There was a conversation with friends and family. They all expressed concern about getting an vaccine like this, where no one knew what the side effects were. But they trusted my judgment. “

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    This is also not the first time Doyle volunteered as part of a medical experiment. Two and a half years ago, he took part in the Ebola virus trial and was given an vaccination. In fact, 18 months of trial experience made him the subject of the current COVID-19 experiment.

    He said, “No one really is convinced of how it behaves when it is placed in your body. So some of my friends and family showed a little worry. However, I am familiar with the statistics that serious reactions rarely occur in practice. So I wasn’t too worried about the negative consequences of participating in this trial. The benefits seem far outweigh the potential risks. “

    Emory University

    Since SARS-CoV-2 is a highly contagious virus, scientists strive to come up with a vaccine as soon as possible, with the best scenario aiming at 12-18 months.



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