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According to the St. Lawrence County Public Health Department, interest in COVID vaccines is diminishing.Public service news

According to the St. Lawrence County Public Health Department, interest in COVID vaccines is diminishing.Public service news


Canton — Six months after the deployment of the US COVID-19 vaccine, the dash to secure vaccination appointments is turning into more crawls.

In response to that trend in northern countries, public health authorities are adjusting their outreach approaches.

Jolene F. Manger, interim director of the St. Lawrence County Public Health Department, said diminished interest in vaccination has been pointed out.

In general, she said the disparity in medical access between northern and urban and rural communities was significant. However, when the state’s vaccine allocation began, St. Lawrence County received what it needed and the Public Health Service was happy with its access.

“And if we’re not using what we’ve got, the state will start sending vaccines to other communities that use it,” she said.

Five vaccination hubs, Canton, Massena, Gavanua, Ogdensburg, and Starlake, will now offer hundreds of regular appointments on specific medical days, and the public health sector plans to be more mobile. doing.

Reaching a village away from the county’s hub was just as important as reaching the county’s return population, Munger said.

More information on upcoming small clinics in remote areas will be posted on the department’s website (the following site).

Another key element of the new approach is to address what Manger called “vaccine hesitarian.”

At this week’s County Parliamentary Services Committee meeting, Manger and County Health Commission President Andrew F. Williams explained to lawmakers the latest county cases and vaccination data.

Dr. Williams answered some frequently asked questions related to vaccine repellent. His answer is summarized for clarity.

Question: “I am young and healthy and have no risk factors for severe COVID infection. Do I need to be vaccinated?”

Answer: “Yes. The risk of severe COVID infection is very low, but not completely predictable. Even young people can get sick or develop” long-distance transporter “syndrome. Vaccination not only protects you as an individual, but also protects your family: parents, grandparents, colleagues, religious groups, and neighbors who may be at risk of serious COVID. “

Q: “Can I get a COVID from vaccination?”

A: “The answer is categorically no. None of the vaccines contain the COVID virus. Each vaccine is designed to help your body develop protective antibodies. From vaccination to COVID There is no way that can cause an infection. “

Q: “Does the information about Johnson and Johnson’s vaccine-related clots mean that the vaccine is not safe?”

A: “No. Most of the vaccinations are done in Pfizer and Modana. It’s a completely different vaccine technology than both Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca vaccines. Possibility of linking blood clots to J & J vaccines. Is actually very rare if it has been proven. Currently, one out of 6.8 million doses has died. The risk of complications from COVID is actually at all ages. In terms of demographics, it is well above 1 in 6.8 million. “

Q: “If vaccinated, does it protect me from mutants?”

A: “Yes. Based on laboratory and real-world data, the vaccine is very effective against the UK variant, which is currently the predominant variant in the United States. Extensive vaccination causes the virus to mutate. Therefore, vaccination can protect you from the current variant and prevent the emergence of more variants. “

Q: “If I get the vaccine, will the vaccine go away soon? Do I need to take more shots?”

A: “The answer to this is a bit more complicated. What we now know is that Pfizer and Moderna vaccinations last for at least 6 months. So far, antibody levels have dropped or dropped. There is no test data to suggest that it is, but we know it can happen.

I have announced that Pfizer’s CEO is quite likely to receive a follow-up vaccination at least once a year. It may change or update the vaccine to reflect boosters, a third shot of the same vaccine, or some of the variants circulating at a specified time. However, it is not yet clear whether this vaccine will be like the polio vaccine and one or two doses will suffice, or will it be like the annually recommended flu vaccine. “

Q: “Did you achieve herd immunity if more than 80% of the elderly are vaccinated?”

A: “No. Herd immunity refers to the entire suspicious herd, the immunity of all of us. Vaccination of young people in the herd protects the older and more vulnerable parts of our population. Immunization is very effective, but not perfect, so the more people are vaccinated, the more effective the vaccination will be. “

Q: “What does my daily life actually change if I get vaccinated?”

A: “I emphasize that there will be a significant increase in activities that can be safely performed. In reality, there is a lot of social distance between this community and all communities, which is very damaging. I think, therefore, vaccination is a way for people to reconnect. “

Q: “I’m sick of pandemics. I don’t want to hear any more about COVID, variants, testing, quarantine, shutdown. What can I do?”

A: “It’s easy. Get vaccinated.”

As of Friday morning, approximately 41.9% of the 108,047 residents of St. Lawrence County have been vaccinated at least once. According to the State Department.. This number reflects a 0.3 percentage point increase from Monday.

The state’s DOH reports that both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines require two doses, with more than 38,000 people living in the county completing the vaccine series to date.

In the northern region, grouped as Jefferson, Lewis, St. Lawrence, Franklin, Clinton, Essex, and Hamilton counties for COVID tracking, 41.2% of the total population of 418,971 are vaccinated with at least one vaccine. As of Thursday morning, about 142,000 people had completed the vaccine series, an increase of about 6,000 from Monday.

Approximately 8.5 million people across the state, or about 43% of the total population, have received at least one shot.

Please check the availability of reservations on the state-owned site of SUNY Potsdam.

The county clinic registration link can be found on the Public Health Service website.

Elderly people in need of assistance in scheduling vaccine reservations can call the county’s Aging Department at 315-386-4730. Public transport in St. Lawrence County offers route deviations to take riders to the COVID-19 vaccination site.Maps and schedules can be found at

The public health department can also assist with registration at 315-386-2325 and answer questions. [email protected]..

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