Experts say the 6-foot social distance rule misses greater risk
First Edition: 27 APR 21 19:12 ET
Maggie Fox, CNN
(CNN) — When it comes to being indoors, the 6-foot rule of social distance misses a bigger point on how the coronavirus spreads, according to two experts at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Six feet away helps prevent the spread of large droplets of saliva and mucus that carry coronaviruses and other bacteria, but the distance protects people from small airborne particles of the virus called aerosols. Not, MIT engineer Martin Bazant and mathematician John Bush wrote a Report published on Tuesday In the minutes of the National Academy of Sciences.
Coronavirus is a levitating virus, and even the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that it is overly dependent on surface cleaning. May lead people to ignore the greater danger — Inhale polluted air.
Basant and Bush have created complex formulas to calculate the expected rate at which someone is expected to be exposed to the virus in various closed rooms. The calculations take into account air circulation, the rate at which potentially contaminated air replaces clean air, factors in known diffusion cases, and more. Choir rehearsal in Skagit Valley, Washington 53 people were infected.
“To minimize the risk of infection, we need to avoid long hours in populated areas. For one thing, it’s safer to have a large, well-ventilated room,” they write. I will.
“For example, in a room where people are exercising in ways that increase their respiratory rate and pathogen emissions, such as by exercising, singing, or screaming, the risk is high,” they added.
“Similarly, masks worn by both infected and susceptible people reduce the risk of infection.”
They applied the guidelines to a theory classroom designed to accommodate 19 students and teachers and calculated the speed at which air could be completely exchanged with open windows and a suitable HVAC system.
“For normal residents and without masks, the safe time for an infected individual to enter the classroom is 1.2 hours for natural ventilation and 7.2 hours for mechanical ventilation,” they write.
It is a state where the children are sitting quietly.
“Long physical activity, collective speech, or singing will reduce the time limit by an order of magnitude,” Bush and Basant added.
“Our analysis warns of elderly housing with care and long-term care facilities, which account for the majority of COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths,” they write.
“Nursing homes in New York City require a maximum of three people to live in, and a minimum area of 80 square feet per person is recommended.”
Under such circumstances, they calculated that keeping people 6 feet apart would protect people for only 3 minutes. If an infected person enters the room for a short time, it will fail after 17 minutes.
“With a steady-state ventilator, three occupants were able to safely stay in the room in less than 18 minutes,” they write.
“This example provides insight into the catastrophic damage of the COVID-19 pandemic to the elderly,” they write. “In addition, we emphasize the need to minimize the sharing of indoor space, maintain proper ventilation and encourage the use of face masks.”
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