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Update / Pandemic: Oregon Releases New Mask Wear Guidelines | News

Update / Pandemic: Oregon Releases New Mask Wear Guidelines | News


Updated posted at 5:45 pm on Tuesday, May 18

Oregon health agencies announced Tuesday that Oregon’s businesses, employers, and religious institutions need to confirm vaccination evidence to relax the state’s masking and social distance rules.

New mask guidelines

The state’s latest guidance on this issue came after the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that fully vaccinated individuals could often safely remove their masks.

“The latest guidance eliminates the need for fully vaccinated people to wear masks indoors in most public places where vaccination status is confirmed. Vaccination status is confirmed. In public places where there is no indoor, masks are needed, “says state epidemiologist Dr. Dean Sidelinger.

Sidelinger answered questions about the new policy at a press conference on Tuesday.

According to Sidelinger and state guidance, there are some answers to some of the top questions about seismic changes in state policy.

Who is considered “fully vaccinated”?

According to OHA, people who have been vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine for more than two weeks are considered fully vaccinated.

Do companies need to request masks for their patrons?

it depends. Under the new guidance, businesses can choose to set up a system to check vaccination status before accepting customers, or continue to require masks and social distance from all patrons.

If the company chooses to check the status of vaccination, a fully vaccinated person can enter the business without a mask and without following the rules of social distance.

“If they are in the process of reviewing vaccination records and showing that people are fully vaccinated, they are free to serve their customers that way,” said Sidelinger. ..

Companies that do not check customer vaccination status should set indoor masking and social distance and follow the same guidance as before.

“If you don’t want or can’t implement such a system, you can continue to operate under OHA guidance, which requires a mask and physical distance in most indoor public environments,” said Sidelinger. I will.

According to Sidelinger, the rest of the state’s guidance will continue to apply, including a four-tier risk level system that imposes capacity limits on businesses.

Do unvaccinated people still need to wear a mask inside?

Okay. The same indoor masking and social distance rules apply to unvaccinated individuals. This means that you need a mask in your business or other indoor environment.

Do their place still have to wear masks for fully vaccinated people?

Yes, there are some exceptions to relaxing mask restrictions.

Fully vaccinated people still need to wear masks in the medical setting. Prisons, correctional facilities and youth detention facilities. Evacuation shelters and temporary housing; public transport and transportation hubs. Schools from kindergarten to high school comply with various rules.

How do companies check the status of vaccinations?

According to Sidelinger, businesses need to verify their COVID-19 vaccination card. This may include a physical vaccination card, printed matter from your provider, or a photo of your vaccination card on your mobile phone.

Sidelinger said companies need to check the name and date of the card to make sure that the individual’s second vaccination is at least two weeks in advance.

Companies do not need to record vaccination status, but they do need to make sure that those who enter the business are vaccinated.

“It’s an individual decision how they choose to track it,” said Sidelinger.

But isn’t it a violation of privacy law?

No. Federal medical privacy law prohibits healthcare providers and insurance companies from disclosing medical information to others without the consent of the patient.

According to Sidelinger, the law does not prohibit anyone from asking about the vaccination status of others, nor does it prohibit anyone from voluntarily disclosing their vaccination status.

According to Sidelinger, people who don’t want to be vaccinated or want to share their vaccination status don’t have to.

“These individuals can choose to be vaccinated, or if they choose not to be vaccinated, or if they do not want to share the fact that they have already been vaccinated, wear a mask. You can wear it, stay away, and get the services of your business. As with the companies that implement this system, individuals have choices, “says Sidelinger.

How is it outside?

People outdoors don’t need masks anymore. However, OHA guidance recommends that unvaccinated people wear masks outdoors in crowded areas where social distance cannot be maintained, especially for those at high risk of serious viral complications. I will.

This includes K-12 sports, which can be performed masklessly if vaccination status is confirmed, Sidelinger said.

Who enforces the rules?

Like other COVID-19 regulations in the state, Mask’s guidelines will continue to be enforced by state and local health authorities, Sidelinger said.

According to doctors, Oregon OSHA is conducting research and education on pandemic restrictions, and the Oregon Liquor Management Board regulates companies with liquor licenses.

Is this forever?

Probably not. Saidlinger said he expects the immunization verification system policy to disappear as the state continues to relax regulations.

“I don’t think this kind of system will be introduced forever. As Governor Kate Brown announced last week, there are some goals set on how to relax the restrictions,” Sidelinger said. Says.

This happens when 70% of the state’s population over the age of 16 receives the first dose of the vaccine, and state health officials lift most aspects of current restrictions.

Previous Chronicle coverage posted at 12:45 pm on Tuesday, May 18

The Oregon Department of Health (OHA) today released the latest guidance on mask and physical distance requirements for fully vaccinated individuals with COVID-19.

Face cover guidelines

Under updated guidance, fully vaccinated people will no longer need to wear masks indoors in most public places where vaccination status is checked. Masks are required in public places where vaccination status has not been confirmed.

Under updated guidance, fully vaccinated people will no longer need to wear masks indoors in most public places where vaccination status is checked. Masks are required in public places where vaccination status has not been confirmed. Finally, businesses and venue operators are free to establish their own more restrictive policies regarding the use of masks.

In addition to exempting people who are completely vaccinated from mask requirements in most indoor environments, OHA health experts have announced that mask requirements no longer apply to those who are outdoors. However, OHA recommends that you continue to wear a mask or face cover and maintain as much physical distance as possible in crowded areas and large gatherings (such as sporting events). OHA encourages unvaccinated individuals and individuals at risk of complications to wear masks in these settings.

New guidance said last week that the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will allow individuals who have been fully vaccinated with COVID-19 to stop wearing masks and reduce their physical distance in most public spaces. It was announced after it was announced.

Oregon Governor Kate Brown pointed out the CDC’s announcement as “another sign that we are approaching ending this pandemic as more people are fully vaccinated.”

“Masks continue to save lives and protect unvaccinated people, but last week’s announcement from the CDC shows that safe and effective vaccines are the best way to prevent people from getting infected and spreading. It emphasizes that there is. COVID. “That’s why it’s safer for a fully vaccinated person to have a normal life. And why didn’t he get vaccinated? Should I be vaccinated as soon as possible? “

The new Oregon Guidance states:

Two weeks after the final COVID-19 vaccination, Oregon individuals no longer need to wear a face mask or physical distance, indoors or outdoors. A “fully vaccinated individual” is a person who has been vaccinated with both a double dose of COVID-19 vaccine or a single dose of vaccine and at least 14 days have passed since the last dose of the individual’s COVID-19 vaccine. That is.

However, fully vaccinated individuals must continue to wear masks and observe physical distance in public transport, schools, hospitals, clinics, homeless shelters, youth and adult correction facilities, and long-term care facilities. There is.

Whether businesses, employers, and religious institutions do not require fully vaccinated individuals to have a mask and physical distance, or continue to require all individuals to have a mask and physical distance, regardless of vaccination status. You can select.

If the business, employer, or religious institution chooses not to require a mask or physical distance, the business, employer, or religious institution will present the visitor with proof of vaccination and proof of vaccination. You need to request to confirm. In that case, the company needs to set a policy to check the vaccination status when the customer or employee is not wearing a mask. Fully vaccinated individuals must uncover their face and provide evidence of vaccination if they do not want to comply with physical distance guidelines.

In addition, state health experts have announced that they no longer need a face cover outdoors (regardless of vaccination status). OHA strongly encourages unvaccinated people and those at high risk of severe COVID-19 infection to continue to wear facial covers and physical distances in crowded areas and large gatherings outdoors. It is recommended.

For more information on vaccinations in Oregon, please visit:

Pandemic: The state says the new mask rules offer options

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