Hollister joins the search network to detect earthquakes early
High school robotics students in Alaska designed a sensor that a Ridgemark couple installed in their home to warn of an earthquake hours or days before it strikes.
With the help of their friend, Michael Cox, Leon and Janet Mayo became the latest link in a network of monitoring stations that might one day give San Benito County an early warning a few seconds after the next earthquake by identifying not only the location, but the time of the earthquake.
While Janet led moral support from a golf cart and Leon climbed a ladder inside the garage of their Ridgemark in Hollister home where he installed a magnetometer on May 25, Cox explained to BenitoLink that the new addition to the Mayou home would link with four others spread between Alaska and Hollister.
The sensor network will send the data to students in New York for analysis, and hopefully it will give people one day all California hours or even a one-day warning, called a precursor instead of just seconds. Sensors may determine the location of the earthquake.
Leon said that the unit does not notify them if it detects a precursor. The data goes straight to New York for analysis.
Mayous is now part of a network known as A World Bridge that was inspired and inspired by the research of Friedman Freund, associate professor at San Jose State University and chief scientist at NASA Ames. Freund studies the electromagnetic behavior of rocks and minerals.
According to Professor Ron Fortunato of Trillium Learning, affiliated with NASA and instructor in the space program, Freund’s hypothesis is that a specific failure of the atomic bond is responsible for energy surges that disturb local magnetic fields large enough to be detected before an earthquake, or “the precursor of the earthquake signal.” .
The theory is that by using multiple magnetometers to monitor specific frequencies, it might be possible to locate a specific location before an earthquake or ground failure.
San Benito County is full of rift zones. There are two fault regions operating beneath Hollister: both branches of the Calaveras Fracture. There’s also the Quien Sabe Fault below Tres Pinos. Then there’s the 800-mile San Andreas Fault right below San Juan Bautista.
There are countless earthquakes on the planet every day. In the last 24 hours of May 27, there have been 32 earthquakes of magnitude 2.5+ around the world, but the closest earthquake to San Benito County was at Lake Davis, in Sierras, near Reno, Nevada, with a magnitude of 2.7, according to the United States. Geological Service (USGS).
Although not known as the USGS, Volcano Discover, a geographic adventure site that collects volcanic and earthquake data, states that as of May 27, in the past 30 days, San Benito County has experienced three earthquakes of magnitude 3.0 or higher and 33 between 2.0 . And 3.0. There was also 116 less than 2.0, which is not usually felt.
Dr. Tom Pfeffer, geologist and volcanologist at Volcano Discover, told BenitoLink, “For the United States, we mainly use USGS as the primary source, but sometimes people report earthquakes to us earlier based on their experience with the vibration, in addition to other source agencies.” But usually, after a few minutes, it’s backed up by the US Geological Survey. “
The modules are designed by robotics students in Alaska high schools and data will be collected remotely by students in New York. Cox volunteered with the global learning service Trillium, which designed and implemented a high-performance professional development program to allow American schools to collaborate on global, interdisciplinary projects. He said the organization wants to establish a link between Alaska high school and the scientific community to work on research projects.
“One of the projects that high school worked on was building a sensitive magnetometer according to Dr. Freund’s research focusing on a specific narrow range of the electromagnetic spectrum that they felt would pick up signs of earthquakes weeks or hours ago,” he said. “This should give people more time than the current system, called vibration alert, to detect the primary wave radiating from an earthquake. Electronic communications can overcome the earthquake wave because it moves at the speed of sound, while digital communications move at the speed of light.”
In an effort to improve the use of precursors to give people more time to “cover and cover”, Cox said there was a need to make the system less altered to be more beneficial.
Students hope that narrowing their field of study will lead to more reliability. “He’s setting up a monitoring station with a magnetometer that will send communications back to New York as students will watch for previous earthquake signals,” Cox said of Mayou.
Janet and Leon Mayo asked if they would be willing to host a station in San Benito County.
“I felt that putting a station in Hollister would be a good test case,” he said. “There’s one at my place in Santa Cruz, there’s one in Milpitas, there’s one in New Almaden, and then the other one in Alaska, near Anchorage.”
He explained that the system creates a map that shows the vectors that indicate the earthquake before it occurs. He said, “When the rocks compress, then break and disintegrate, a severe disturbance of the electromagnetic field occurs.” “They watch this. We already have this triangle of sensors in the Bay Area, but a lot of earthquakes are located between San Jose and Hollister, so by putting a stop here, it challenges the students because the vectors are going to be heading towards the Bay Area.”
Cox said that due to the success of Alaska Station, students decided to add screens in California. He said the cost of the program is paid for through donations, and volunteers do all the work.
Each component costs $ 5,000 and runs on a series of small, single-board computers developed by the Raspberry Pi Foundation in the UK.
“It’s a very small computer,” Leon said from the top of the stairs, holding the little box. “When you think about how big computers were like in the past, we’re now focusing on this thing that does it all. This is the same kind of equipment that they would use in the robotics lab at San Benito High School. I think that’s the processor they’re using. Easy to program.
The robotics trainer at San Benito High School did not respond to BenitoLink’s request for comment.
Cox said Fortunato started Trillium Learning to create better scientific communication between high schools, universities, and private research companies. Students in New York are collecting data through distance learning procedures. He said that if the robotics lab at San Benito High School is interested in participating, Trillium is looking for schools to partner with.
“It’s really exciting that all of this came out of the robotics lab at Alaska High School,” Cox said.
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