Why ticks are on the rise this year and how to protect yourself from Lyme disease
Lyme disease can be difficult to diagnose, but it can have long-term health consequences. Problems aggravated in the United StatesAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Lyme disease is a disease. By bacteria It infects humans by being bitten by certain species of ticks, such as the deer tick and the US “black-footed” tick (Ixodes scapularis).
Researchers are studying the spread of the Lyme disease epidemic. This has traditionally been a problem concentrated in the forested northeastern part of the United States. However, according to recent news and research, Lyme disease is becoming a regional problem In the Midwest and many other states such as California, Disease-carrying mites found near the beachDr. James Marvel, Stanford Healthcare Emergency Doctor and Wilderness Medical Expert, is currently investigating the causes of the Lyme disease epidemic in the United States. Looking at US data over the last few decades, he says, Lyme disease has become “brothsum” in many states and counties, especially in the northeastern United States.
“There are some suspicions that climate change is contributing to it, especially in the context of global warming,” Marvel said, adding that the environment could be more favorable to mites, but the lifespan of mites. Is two years old and difficult to track down, he says. “It’s not as simple as saying,’A hot day is more ticks,’” he explains.
Other factors may also contribute to the increase in Lyme disease, such as people expanding construction into wooded, mite-rich environments, says Marvel. And, an infectious disease specialist at the University of Missouri Healthcare. Dr. Les Blancs states that the pandemic could have allowed more people to go outdoors and engage in activities that could expose them to tick bites, such as hiking.
“We see a shift towards going out to stay socially distant,” says Bran.
Lyme disease is easy to treat if detected early, but it can be prolonged if not properly diagnosed and treated on time. We talked to Bran and Marvel about best practices, such as how to protect yourself and what to do if you find a tick, to better understand Lyme disease and how to stay safe outdoors.
Tick protection 101
Being outdoors increases the risk of contact with all nature, including mites.But if you live in a wooded area or naturally a lot outside, and especially if you live in a wooded area State where Lyme disease was foundIt is important not to be bitten by ticks.
“Tick doesn’t bounce or bounce like fleas,” says Marvel. “The only way they can invade humans is through direct contact.” This is waiting at the edge of a leaf or tall re or at and latching when something hits them. Do it by, he says.
Exposure to mites can occur at any time, but mites are most active in spring and summer, or from April to September. CDCThe CDC has to check for ticks at the end of the day spent outdoors. It is recommended Pay close attention to these areas of your body, such as under your arms, ears, navel, between your legs, hair, hips, and back of your knees. According to the CDC, mites can invade your home on pets, rucksacks, and clothing, so pets and gear should also be inspected.
To stay out of the reach of mites, avoid high grass and brushes, stick to the center of the path, and wear clothing that covers your skin as much as possible.You can also Handle your clothes With permethrin, Insecticide, Or use an insect repellent. Bran tells you to apply a repellent every 4 to 6 hours and find one with a concentration of 30 to 35%. DEETHe says spraying lower concentrations of DEET works, but it doesn’t. Bran also advises on sunscreen and insect repellent blends as they are less effective.
“Before applying the repellent, apply sunscreen and then use what you can get as a repellent,” he says.
What to do if you find a tick
Less than 1%, depending on the region Over 50% ticks According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, it carries Lyme disease. If you find mites on your body, you need to get rid of them.
According to Marvel, the best way to get rid of mites is to use tweezers to “grab” the mites as close to the root as possible, and then firmly “pull slowly and pull outwards.”
“People can keep mites on demand as a specific help to see if they are a potentially contagious species of Lyme disease,” says Marvel. “But of treatment. It is not advisable to carry out regular inspections of guideline bacterial mites. ”
Both Marvel and Blanc are telling you to contact your doctor if you find a tick and live in an area where Lyme disease is endemic. Bran said that starting treatment within 72 hours of being bitten by a tick could prevent the infection.
How long does an infected tick need to adhere to spread Lyme disease? That may be off the mark, given that many may not be aware that they have been bitten until symptoms appear. Hmm. But if you check the ticks carefully, time may be on your side. According to Bran, the “magic number” that mites need to attach to cause an infection is 36-48 hours.
“If it’s less than 36 hours, I think the risk is low,” says Bran. “It’s not impossible, but it’s very unlikely.”
Symptoms of Lyme disease
Infection with lime-carrying mites causes non-flu-like symptoms such as headaches, muscle aches, fatigue, fever, swollen lymph nodes, and muscle aches, Bran said.Many patients–as high as 80% CDC –A rash appears about 3 to 30 days after being bitten by an infected tick. The erythematous erythematous rash associated with Lyme disease is most commonly known to look like “bull eyes”. Lyme disease rash..
“The important thing to keep in mind is that not all patients have a characteristic rash,” says Bran. However, a rash is considered a “home run” diagnosis and the antibiotic doxycycline. Is used to treat the disease. “If you have a rash, you don’t need expensive tests,” Bran added. “I need doxycycline.”
The following tests may be needed to determine if someone has Lyme disease: Blood test Detects antibodies against Lyme disease. The problem with this, Marvel said, is that blood tests can take longer for antibodies to appear, and cases of Lyme disease can be underreported.
“Because it depends on antibodies in the bloodstream, you need to be careful in acute cases,” says Marvel. “And in the acute context of the infection, antibodies have not yet been produced in the first few days to weeks.”
“Lyme disease is a tricky diagnosis overall,” Marvel added. CDC report Studies show that the actual number of cases of Lyme disease in the United States is likely to be 10 times higher, according to Marvel.
“I think it gets harder the further away from the first tick bite and potential exposure,” says Marvel.
If left undiagnosed, Lyme disease has consequences. “The symptoms of acute Lyme disease are similar to the flu, but can progress if left untreated, and some of the complications are Lyme disease. encephalitis Inflammation of the joints and heart, and facial nerve paralysis are also other symptoms of a longer and more serious acute infection, Marvel said.
Long-term Lyme disease
According to the CDC, most cases of Lyme disease can be cured with antibiotics within 2 to 4 weeks. However, some people say that the CDC is “Post-treatment Lyme disease syndromeAccording to the CDC, some experts believe that the bacteria that cause Lyme disease cause an autoimmune reaction that “lasts long after the infection itself disappears.”
Chronic Lyme disease may be synonymous with PTLDS in terms of symptoms, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious DiseasesDue to CLD’s “lack of well-defined clinical definition”, many experts in this field have avoided using the name altogether. However, this does not mean the experience of people living with symptoms after Lyme disease. Study from 2013, 36% of patients diagnosed with Lyme disease early developed PTLDS symptoms.
The information contained in this article is for educational and informative purposes only and is not intended for health or medical advice. Always consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider if you have any questions about your medical condition or health goals.
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