Experts assess link between gas exploration and earthquakes in Sylhet
The foci of earthquakes that struck the Sylhet region in the past 100 years were collected from volcanodiscovery.com
The team will present their results to Petrobangla soon
A team of experts formed by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources visited Sylhet to find out the cause of the recent tremors that shook the city within nine days.
On Sunday, they visited several wells of Sylhet Gas Fields Ltd. in Haripur and Gulabganj districts of the region.
Quoting team members, Sylhet chief meteorologist Saeed Chowdhury said drilling of the ninth well in the Haripur field has been on hold for the past few months.
The committee was formed with Petrobangla Director (Product Sharing Contract) Engineer Md Shahinur Islam as the inviting and General Manager (GM) in charge of Bangladesh Petroleum Exploration and Production Company Limited (Bapex), General Manager of Petrobangla and two professors from Dhaka University as members.
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MD Shahinor told the Islam Dhaka Tribune that they have collected information in Sylhet from Friday to Sunday, and will report to Petrobangla soon. “The results will be shared with other organizations through an appropriate channel.”
On Sunday, the five-member team also went to Raja GC High School, where one of the buildings sustained cracks due to the latest earthquake on June 7. Earlier, the city authorities closed 25 precarious buildings.
The experts held a meeting with Sylhet District Commissioner Muhammad Khalil Rahman on Saturday, while the Petrobangla director visited the Haripur gas field.
Bangladesh has long been extracting gas and oil from some of the major wells in Sylhet, which is located near the Dawki fault, responsible for a number of devastating earthquakes for more than a century, and most of the epicenters were near the city, according to the United States. USGS (USGS).
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Drilling began in the ninth well in the Haripur field on October 1 last year to detect natural gas, mineral gas or crude oil. Officials said in January that the new gas reserve was discovered 1,998 meters underground and that it would produce 188 barrels, or 7 million cubic feet, of natural gas per day.
In search of natural gas, in 1955 Pakistan Petroleum Corporation Limited (PPL) began drilling activities in Haripur, a small village of Jintapur Police Station in Sylhet District near the border.
There were two moderate earthquakes in Sylhet on May 29 and May 30 with three aftershocks. I felt another tremor on the evening of June 7.
Last year, two strong earthquakes hit Sylhet – a 4.2 earthquake on June 3 and a 4.5 on January 27.
Concerned about the series of tremors, the authorities of the Sylhet City Corporation (SCC) began working with the Shah Jalal University of Science and Technology (Sust) to identify dangerous buildings in the city. On Sunday, the expert team met with the Dean of the College of Applied Sciences, Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed.
In 2009, the government declared that 24,000 of the 52,000 buildings surveyed in the town of Sylhet were at risk of earthquakes.
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This result emerged from a survey conducted in the cities of Dhaka, Chittagong and Sylhet in 2008-2009 under the Comprehensive Disaster Management Program (CDMP) project of the Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief.
At that time, experts suggested demolishing or modifying dangerous buildings to avoid loss of life and heavy economic losses.
What the scientists say
Scientists have long talked about a possible link between earthquakes and oil and gas drilling.
A 2015 study by the Oklahoma Geological Survey linked earthquakes in Oklahoma, Texas and other parts of the United States to the practice of injecting wastewater from oil and gas operations deep underground, according to a report in The Wall Street Journal.
They considered it “highly probable” that most of the hundreds of earthquakes in the state’s center in recent years were “caused by the injection of produced water into disposal wells.” The WSJ report adds that the water produced is a saline liquid that naturally flows into wells along with oil and gas.
In Texas, a team of federal and college researchers led by scientists at Southern Methodist University concluded that a series of earthquakes that began in 2013 northwest of Fort Worth were most likely caused by sewage injection.
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To produce oil and gas from shale formations, it is necessary to increase the interconnection of the pore space (permeability) of the shale so that the gas can flow through the shale mass and be extracted through production wells. This is usually done by hydraulic fracturing or “hydraulic fracturing”.
Faulting intentionally causes small earthquakes (of magnitudes smaller than 1) to enhance permeability, but has also been linked to larger earthquakes. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) said the largest earthquake known to be caused by hydraulic fracturing in the United States was a magnitude 4 earthquake in Texas.
In addition to natural gas, fracking fluids and brine trapped in the same formation as the gas are returned to the surface. This wastewater is frequently disposed of by injection into deep wells. Injecting wastewater and salt water into the ground can cause earthquakes large enough to damage it.
The USGS also says that sewage disposal is a separate process in which waste fluids from oil and gas production are injected deep into the ground under groundwater or drinking water reservoirs. The largest known earthquake that resulted from sewage disposal was a 5.8-magnitude earthquake that occurred near Pawnee, Oklahoma in 2016.
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