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The cost of these Bollywood celebrity wedding lehangas will make your jaws drop


Most Expensive Celebrity Lehengas

Most Expensive Celebrity Lehengas | Photo credit: Instagram

When it comes to wedding outfits, Bollywood is without a doubt the most famous and sought-after place to look for inspiration. From displaying their extremely gorgeous wedding lehengas to accessorizing them with the city’s finest jewelry, Indian actresses make sure nothing is left out for their D-Day.

Over the years, the brides of B-Town have put a lot of effort into selecting the lehengas and accessories that they would adorn on their special day and, without a doubt, they have created their own trend of more than one. title. However, the price of their designer lehengas will leave you speechless!

Did you know that the golden sari that Aishwarya Rai wore for her wedding was worth Rs 70 lakh? And the pink and white lehenga that Anushka Sharma wore for her intimate wedding in Italy is worth Rs 30 lakh? Scroll down to check out the sky-high price tag of some of the more expensive celebrity lehengas and we’re sure you’ll get your jaw lowered.

Most Expensive Bollywood Celebrity Lehengas

Aishwarya married Abhishek Bachchan in April 2007. It was a royal wedding ceremony as she became the Bachchan bahu. Till this day, people admire her wedding look studded with gold and diamonds. You will be amazed to know that the Kanjivaram sari that she herself wore was around Rs 75 lakh, as several websites have reported.

Deepika padukone

Deepika Padukone’s wedding to Ranveer Singh was organized in two styles – one according to Konkani rituals and the other was a Sindhi wedding. Both families, along with close friends and relatives, had left for Italy for the most special day in DeepVeer’s life. While DP wore a Kanjivaram sari for her Konkani wedding. she chose a red Sabyasachi lehenga with a hand-embroidered gold tilla for her Sindhi wedding. The dupatta had a thick border and the age-old saying “Sada Saubhagyavati Bhava” was written on it in Devnagri. Deepika’s Sabyasachi lehenga for her Sindhi wedding is worth a whopping Rs. 8.95 lakh.

Anushka sharma

Anushka Sharma married Virat Kohli in Italy on December 11, 2017. For her big day, Anushka wore a royal-looking pale pink lehenga with a voluminous A-line skirt. The radiant bride completed her standout look with bridal jewelry from the Sabyasachi Heritage Jewelry collection handcrafted with uncut union diamonds, pale pink spinel and baroque Japanese cultured pearls. She spent a total of Rs. 30 Lakh for this beautiful lehenga.

Shilpa shetty

Shilpa Shetty got married to billionaire businessman Raj Kundra in November 2009. This actress wore a red colored saree, sophisticatedly designed with 8000 Swarovski crystals and this was valued at a price of Rs 50 lakh.

Kareena Kapoor Khan

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Kareena Kapoor married Saif Ali Khan on October 16, 2012. Her wedding lehenga was recreated by Ritu Kumar as she wore the wedding gharara of her stepmother Sharmila Tagore.

Her reception outfit was designed by the famous Manish Malhotra and she opted for a burgundy colored lehenga with a contrasting brown dupatta for which she paid a hefty sum of Rs. 50 lakh. She completed her look with gold and Kundan jewelry.




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