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A look back at a gay actor's speech in a Pennsylvania school – NBC New York

A look back at a gay actor's speech in a Pennsylvania school – NBC New York


A gay actor's speech that was canceled because of his lifestyle is returning to a Pennsylvania school after residents spoke out.

The Cumberland Valley School Districts board voted 5-4 Wednesday night to allow children's book author Maulik Pancholy, who is gay, to speak out against bullying at a May 22 meeting at the Mountain View Middle School. The board voted after hearing from residents, including more than a dozen students.

On April 15, the board unanimously rescinded Pancholy's speech after a board member raised concerns about what he described as the activism and style of life of the actor. Some board members also noted that the district adopted a policy prohibiting hosting overtly political events after coming under fire for hosting a Donald Trump rally during his 2016 presidential campaign.

Some community members said the cancellation was ill-advised and sent a hurtful message, particularly to the LGBTQ+ community, and Superintendent Mark Blanchard and other district leaders sent a letter to the board, faculty and staff saying Pancholy's speech should have been allowed.

Education officials said the board did not give them a real opportunity to answer questions or provide advice about the event, which they said was intended to reinforce the importance of equal treatment of all.

Pancholy, 48, is an award-winning actor, most notably for his roles in the television shows 30 Rock and Weeds, and as the voice of Baljeet in the Disney animated series, Phineas & Ferb. He has also written children's books and, in 2014, was appointed by then-President Barack Obama to serve on the President's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, where he co-founded a campaign to combat AAPI bullying.

Pancholy's appearance was scheduled by the school's leadership team, which selects an author each year to present a unique educational experience to students, according to the district.

At the April 15 meeting, school board members said they didn't know what Pancholy would talk about, but one member said he didn't want to take the risk of what it might entail.

If you look for this individual, he presents himself as an activist, Bud Shaffner said, according to Pennlive. He takes pride in his lifestyle and I don't think that should be forced on our students, at any age.

Pancholy looks forward to seeing the community members who supported him next month and was moved by each student who showed immense courage in speaking out at the board meeting, a- he declared Thursday in a press release.

Thank you for sharing your powerful messages of love, inclusion, respect and belonging, Pancholy wrote.

In a statement posted on social media after the board's initial vote, Pancholy said that as a middle school student, he never saw himself represented in stories and that books featuring South Asian-American or LGBTQ+ characters did not exist. When he began writing his own novels years later, he still struggled to find these stories, he said.

This is why I wrote my books in the first place, Pancholy wrote. Because representation matters.

Pancholy said his visits to schools were meant to let all young people know they are seen. To let them know they matter.




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