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Imran Khan's arrest sparks violent protests across Pakistan

Imran Khan's arrest sparks violent protests across Pakistan


Violent protests erupted across Pakistan on Tuesday after the arrest and arrest of former Prime Minister Imran Khan during a planned court appearance in Islamabad, sparking further unrest in a country already grappling with a economic crisis.

Police clashed with Mr Khan's supporters in most cities after his Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party urged them to shut down Pakistan in protest. Hundreds of people blocked the streets of Lahore, where police were put on alert.

Mr. Khan was giving his biometrics in a room at the Islamabad High Court when police officers dressed in riot gear stormed the building, smashing windows to gain access to dramatic scenes captured on video by aides. Mr Khan.

A large group of Pakistan Rangers, a paramilitary civil defense unit controlled by the Interior Ministry, took Mr. Khan, apparently injured, to an armored vehicle.

Imran Khas is swarmed by police during his chaotic arrest on Tuesday (PTI)

Mr Khan, 70, a cricket hero turned politician, was in court facing dozens of charges, mainly relating to corruption allegations, leveled against him since he was removed from office by a vote of censored last year. He says the accusations are all politically motivated.

Political infighting is common in Pakistan, where no prime minister has yet served a full term and the military has ruled for nearly half of the country's history.

Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah said Mr Khan had been arrested on corruption charges, alleging he had cost the country's treasury millions of pounds by illegally buying land from a business tycoon while he was in power.

But Fawad Chaudhry, vice-president of the PTI, said Mr Khan had been kidnapped.

Hammad Azhar, a former minister in Mr Khan's ousted government, said the arrest was not acceptable and for the party it represented our red line. He also called on the Pakistani population to take to the streets to protest.

In Karachi, police fired tear gas and waved batons at hundreds of protesters who blocked a major road.

In Lahore, where Mr. Khan lives with his family and where the PTI enjoys strong support, police were trying to disperse gatherings on main central roads where many people had gathered to protest, largely peacefully. .

Former Prime Minister Imran Khan was kidnapped from the court premises, dozens of lawyers and general people were tortured, Imran Khan was taken by unknown persons to unknown location, Chief Justice High Court of Islamabad ordered Secy Interior Police and IG Police to appear within 15 hours. min

Ch Fawad Hussain (@fawadchaudhry) May 9, 2023

Officials with the federal National Accountability Bureau (NAB) said arrest warrants were issued for Mr. Khan last week in a corruption case for which he was denied bail; Images of an arrest warrant dated May 1 were widely shared on social media, although their authenticity was not immediately confirmed.

NAB sources told the Associated Press that Mr Khan would be arraigned in court on corruption charges as early as Wednesday.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party activists protest in Peshawar against the arrest of Imran Khan (AFP via Getty Images)

Mr. Khan appears to have known that his arrest in Islamabad was likely. He assembled a panel of six senior PTI officials to lead the party in the event of arrest, telling Reuters: I have created a committee that will obviously take decisions once I am inside. [jail].

He posted a video earlier today in which he insisted there was no case against me.

They want to put me in prison, I am ready for it, he declared.

“There is no case against me. They want to put me in jail, I am ready to do that,” former Pakistani prime minister and PTI leader Imran Khan said before his arrest.

(Video source: Imran Khan Twitter handle)

ANI (@ANI) May 9, 2023

And the PTI released another video after the arrest, in which Mr Khan addresses the nation saying: I may not get another chance to talk to you.

My fellow Pakistanis, when these words reach you, I will already be locked inside in an illegal affair. After this, you should all understand that fundamental rights, law and democracy have been buried.

He continues: Pakistani audiences have known me for 50 years; I have been in the public eye for 50 years, I have never violated the constitution of Pakistan and I have never broken the law. Since I've been in politics, I've always tried that [all] my struggle would be peaceful and within the framework of the constitution.

He said his arrest was not because I broke any law, but was about accepting this corrupt cabal of crooks that were imposed on us. They want me to accept them.

What laws? Courts attacked by Rangers as if invading occupied land – IHC lawyers and staff also beaten. Today we are in Pakistan: a fascist state where the High Court has been attacked by paramilitary forces.

Shireen Mazari (@ShireenMazari1) May 9, 2023

Since being ousted from office, Mr Khan has been the subject of at least one failed assassination attempt which, he told The Independent in an interview in March, has left him with lasting nerve damage. PTI officials alleged that paramilitary agents deliberately targeted his injured leg during his arrest on Tuesday.

Mr Khan accuses the government and the country's security agencies of being behind the attempt on his life, a charge both have denied.

His party says key elections scheduled in Punjab state, of which Lahore is the capital, were illegally postponed by the government, fearing losing to Mr Khan's party at the polls. The electoral commission had postponed the vote indefinitely for security reasons, but the country's Supreme Court ordered it to take place on Sunday. National elections in Pakistan are due to be held next year.

Pakistan is going through an economic crisis with inflation exceeding 36% and an expected IMF rescue plan delayed by several months. Industrial activity has come to a virtual halt since the central bank raised interest rates to a record 21%, worsening already high unemployment and poverty.




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