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Shooting at Hollywood Hills home that left 2 injured sparks new concerns over 'party house rentals'

Shooting at Hollywood Hills home that left 2 injured sparks new concerns over 'party house rentals'
Shooting at Hollywood Hills home that left 2 injured sparks new concerns over 'party house rentals'


HOLLYWOOD HILLS, LOS ANGELES (KABC) — A Super Bowl party at a Hollywood Hills home took a violent turn overnight when gunfire erupted, leaving two people injured.

The incident was reported at 12:05 a.m. in the 1600 block of N Crescent Heights Blvd., according to the Los Angeles Police Department. It's unclear what sparked the shooting, but the two victims, both in their 20s, were taken to hospital in stable condition.

Two possible suspects have since been arrested and are being questioned. Police also said two loaded guns were found in the rear of the home.

Police said the home was a rental home and, according to neighbors, has been the center of problems in the past.

“Something has to change,” a man who lives in the area and spoke to ABC7 said Monday. “We don't want this to continue. We want the city to do something.”

The man, who wishes to be identified only as Stan, has lived in this part of the hills for about 25 years.

He said the house where the shooting took place is the same place where the famous YouTuber and streamer Kick N3ON was stolen last December. He posted video of the incident on his YouTube channelbut police found no record of a criminal complaint being filed.

Stan said that in the last few moments, a shooting was reported at another nearby home, which was also a short-term rental.

“There was some kind of shootout or shootout, and you can see where the caution tape is up there…they never fixed it,” he said, pointing to the house .

In recent years, Los Angeles has strengthened its laws regulating short-term rentals, allowing them only in homes used as a primary residence and requiring owners to obtain permits. But Hollywood Hills homeowners say it doesn't work.

“The parties have gotten worse and our ability to try to deal with them has also been reduced, to some extent,” said Paul Jenkins, public safety chair for the Hollywood Hills West Neighborhood Council.

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Neighbors told Eyewitness News that the squatters had been living in the house for a few months, throwing wild parties that they advertise and even charge admission to.

He said frustrations over these so-called “party house rentals” had been growing for a long time. another cases in the Hollywood Hills in 2020.

During this incident, a large party was held and three people were shot, one of whom died. Then-Mayor Eric Garcetti promised a citywide crackdown.

But Jenkins says the city attorney has since gotten rid of neighborhood attorneys who would focus on renting out houses for parties, leaving too many opportunities for profit-seeking party planners to game the system.

“They need to rent a club somewhere, where there is adequate security in a commercial area, not in someone's neighborhood,” he said.

Copyright 2024 KABC Television, LLC. All rights reserved.




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