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Hollywood connection: Wrexham sets up three-hour direct rail service to London | Railway industry

Hollywood connection: Wrexham sets up three-hour direct rail service to London |  Railway industry


Direct trains could link Wrexham to London next year, with a new service capitalizing on the town's mini-boom between Hollywood and football.

Train manufacturer Alstom is proposing to create the Wrexham, Shropshire and Midlands Railway with the promise of cheaper and more comfortable trains direct to London.

The three-hour journey to Euston Station might not convince Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney, co-owners of Wrexham AFC to abandon private jets, but operators hope to make the greener alternative to and from the Welsh borders ever more attractive.

Avoiding the wait in Birmingham will be a selling point for passengers, with trains bypassing the Midlands city on a lightly used freight route, opening up new connections from Shropshire to Warwickshire.

An application to run five trains per day from May 2025 has been submitted to rail regulator ORR. The service would be operated with open access outside of major rail operating contracts set by the Ministry of Transport.

Rail Minister Huw Merriman described the plans as exciting proposals, adding: “Competition provides choice for passengers and raises standards, which is why we continue to work with the industry to get the most out of free access to rail.

A similar open access plan was approved last week by the ORR for Grand Union Trains to start a new train service between London and Stirling in Scotland from June 2025. The same company is set to begin operating a direct train to Carmarthen, South Wales. , starting at the end of this year.

The proposed Wrexham services would also provide direct trains to London from stations including Gobowen, near Oswestry, and Walsall, as well as Shrewsbury and Telford in Shropshire, whose single daily direct service run by Avanti is set to be axed.

Peter Broadley, Alstom's managing director of UK services, said: “There is real momentum around Wrexham, obviously due to the Hollywood connection with the football club. But with fully open access, you need to find opportunities to serve communities that aren't currently served. [served] by rail.

Wrexham, Shrewsbury and this part of the West Midlands are really poorly served by rail services. And the current focus on Wrexham is a good boost to what we are trying to do.

A popular but short-lived direct Wrexham-London service ran from 2008 to 2011, offering more comfortable seats and interiors, but collapsed within three years after suffering significant losses.

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Alstom believes that using the West Coast Main Line to Euston, rather than the Marylebone terminus used by its predecessor, will give it an advantage, Broadley said. This is mainly a much slower travel time than proposed. And we're taking very different routes that will capture customers that they didn't have access to.

Although operators might take aim at Ryan Reynolds' celebrities in Wrexham, they are keen to highlight the other rail connections the service will establish, from places like Shrewsbury to Nuneaton.

That said, even without a documentary series to chart the journey, the official launch on Thursday remains in Wrexham: you had to start somewhere, Broadley said.




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