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Bollywood's elegant Regal Fanfare had a brand new address at the premiere party of Heeramandi

Bollywood's elegant Regal Fanfare had a brand new address at the premiere party of Heeramandi


Tinsel Town witnessed a royal night of glitz, glamor and grandeur, as the entire Bollywood gathered under one roof to witness the Constitution: The Diamond Bazaarscreening. Sanjay Leela Bhansali's magnum opus is one of the most awaited projects of the year and everyone wanted to get a glimpse of it. Calling the premiere party simply by its name wouldn't feel as good. The presence of many Bollywood stars like Alia Bhatt, Sonakshi Sinha, Rekha and others, however, made all the difference.

Alia Bhatt

If there was anyone who could take the smallest route possible and still make maximum impact, then it's Alia Bhatt in this beige. garbage can.

Bollywood stars at the screening of Heeramandi

Bollywood stars in The Constitution screening

Sonakshi Sinha

Nothing defines ethnic reality better than black and gold silk sari and who better than Heeramandi star Sonakshi Sinha to show her how it's done.

Bollywood stars at the screening of Heeramandi

Bollywood stars in The Constitution screening

Aditi Rao Hydari

Aditi Rao Hydari walked the red carpet with her fiancé, actor Siddharth. Its multicolored floor sweeping Anarkali The set made sure all the bright lights shone directly on her.

Bollywood stars at the screening of Heeramandi

Bollywood stars in The Constitution screening

Ananya Blacksmith

Ananya Panday looked stunning in her royal blue salwar costume and we have to say we found our favorite style version of her.

Bollywood stars at the screening of Heeramandi

Bollywood stars in The Constitution screening

Rashmika Mandanna

Rashmika Mandanna chose a mint green sheer anarkali set with lace in a true royal style.

Bollywood stars at the screening of Heeramandi

Bollywood stars in The Constitution screening

Mrunal Thakur

Mrunal Thakur in a white sari was beautiful like the full moon that shone on the first night of the series.

Bollywood stars at the screening of Heeramandi

Bollywood stars in The Constitution screening

Bhumi Pednekar

Bhumi Pednekar is in it sari era with a choice of handkerchiefs to shine for that special evening.

Bollywood stars at the screening of Heeramandi

Bollywood stars in The Constitution screening


Timeless beauty draped in sheer gold fabric sari as we expected nothing less than Rekha's golden dust spread on the red carpet.

Bollywood stars at the screening of Heeramandi

Bollywood stars in The Constitution screening

Also Read: Behind Regal by Sanjay Leela Bhansali The Constitution Film set: 700 craftsmen and 7 months of work to come to life

Shabana Azmi

Graceful in a white and gold sari, there is no red carpet. Shabana Azmi can't add her stylish touch.

Bollywood stars at the screening of Heeramandi

Bollywood stars in The Constitution screening

Palak Tiwari

Even in minimal beige anarkalithe ethnic style of Palak Tiwari says it all.

Bollywood stars at the screening of Heeramandi

Bollywood stars in The Constitution screening

Pooja Hegde

Pooja Hegde's blush pink salwar This costume struck just the right balance between perfectly festive and comfortably chic for this season.

Bollywood stars at the screening of Heeramandi

Bollywood stars in The Constitution screening

Kriti Kharbanda

Newly married Kriti Kharbanda spotted with hubby Pulkit Samrat in a blush pink sari.

Bollywood stars at the screening of Heeramandi

Bollywood stars in The Constitution screening

Jasmine Bhasin

Jasmin Bhasin gave us a fantastic lesson on how to choose between silver and gold: you choose both with this two-tone. sari.

Bollywood stars at the screening of Heeramandi

Bollywood stars in The Constitution screening

Avneet Kaur

Far from her tight dresses, Avneet Kaur walked the red carpet in deep purple salwar costume to prove she could do anything.

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Rakul Preet Singh

Can there be a more regal combination than blue and gold? Rakul Preet Singh agrees with her ethnic offer that there is none when the salwar the costume also looks festive.

Bollywood stars at the screening of Heeramandi

Bollywood stars in The Constitution screening

Read also:Constitution: The Diamond Bazaar The royal looks of Aditi Rao Hydari, Sonakshi Sinha and more are straight out of an Indian royal wardrobe”>Constitution: The Diamond Bazaar Aditi Rao Hydari, Sonakshi Sinha and More's Royal Looks Are Straight Out of an Indian Royal Wardrobe




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