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Colorful paintings of daily life discovered in 4,300-year-old Egyptian tomb

Colorful paintings of daily life discovered in 4,300-year-old Egyptian tomb


(CNN) — Colorful paintings of everyday life ancient Egypt were discovered in a tomb dating back over 4,300 years.

The tomb, known as a mastaba, was discovered in the pyramidal necropolis of Dahshur, about 40 km south of Cairo, during a recent Egyptian-German archaeological mission.

Dahshur is the southernmost of the large pyramidal necropolises of the Old Kingdom, near the ancient capital Memphis. The main attractions are two great pyramids of King Snefru: the Bent Pyramid and the Red Pyramid.

Made from unfired mud bricks, the rectangular mastaba measures approximately 26 feet by 39 feet (8 meters by 12 meters) and has seven burial shafts, as well as another shaft for ceramic bowls and other objects used in funeral rituals.

According to inscriptions on a massive limestone false door, the tomb belonged to a man named Seneb-nebef, who served in the administration of the residents of the palace district, as well as his wife, Idut.

The shape of the mastaba, as well as the inscriptions, images, and ceramics found inside, suggest that it dates from the late 5th or early 6th dynasty, or around 2,300 BCE.

Stephan Seidlmayer, former director of the German Archaeological Institute in Berlin, led the expedition.

He told CNN in an email: The corridor and worship room were decorated with subtle mud plaster paintings – a rarity in the Dahshur Necropolis. Despite significant destruction, many images have been preserved. They show images of the tomb owner and his wife at the offering table, scenes of daily life – donkeys on the threshing floor, boats on the Nile, a market place – and servants bringing gifts for mortuary worship.

In their elegant forms and perfect execution, the images offer a valuable testimony to the artistic milieu of the capital region of the developed Old Kingdom.

According to a statement from the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, inscriptions revealed that the owner of the tomb held several positions in the royal palace in the administration of tenants, while his wife held the titles of Priestess of Hathor and Lady of the Sycamore.

The German Archaeological Institute in Cairo has been carrying out excavations in Dahshur since 1976. The first stages focused on the pyramids of King Snefru of the Old Kingdom and King Amenemhat III of the Middle Kingdom.

More recent excavations, however, have focused on the tombs of great statesmen, priests and administrators of the same eras.

Seidlmayer and his team will continue to excavate the site to try to uncover more secrets about this region, the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities said in its statement. statement. He adds: Cleaning and documentation work will be carried out on the tomb and its inscriptions during the coming period.

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