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Euphoria actor doubts season 3 will ever happen

Euphoria actor doubts season 3 will ever happen


Fans have been clamoring for the third season of Sam Levinson's drama Euphoria for almost two years, but rumors recently started circulating that the show had been canceled.

This week, in a statement to Variety, an HBO spokesperson attempted to put an end to speculation, saying HBO and Sam Levinson remain committed to delivering an exceptional third season, but in the meantime we are allowing our in-demand cast to pursue other opportunities. Variety added that the scripts for season 3 are still being written.

But one actor from the show, who requested anonymity in direct messages with The Daily Beast, believes that Season 3 is long and the wait between seasons has been nothing short of frustrating.

Since January 2022, we've had a March start date that turned into June, that turned into January, they said. And then they continued to grow every month from then on. This lasted two full years where HBO told all the cast that we would be returning soon and therefore couldn't take certain jobs.

HBO declined to comment further beyond its initial statement on the planned release of Season 3, while Levinson's team told The Daily Beast that HBO answered all of these speculative questions and assured everyone a third season as initially planned in 2025.

The setting of the teen drama, which follows the lives of students at a California high school steeped in sex and drugs, has certainly had its share of controversy, thanks to the Daily Beast's reporting on on-set feuds and accusations background actors that the production was a toxic environment, to show creator Sam Levinson accused of stealing a filmmaker's ideas.

The show's stars shut down rumors of on-set toxicity, with Barbie Ferreira saying many of them were false and Colman Domingo calling the complaints just a normal day at work. But some things, like stopping actors from working after helping make a hit TV show, should not be normal, the anonymous actor told us.

Before last week, I couldn't take any TV work, they said. Since they paused it, I can now take any job. But the sad thing is that we all had more momentum when the series came out, but now it's been 2 years of waiting.

Additionally, the actor doesn't believe HBO's announcement this week that the show's third season will return in 2025 is likely to happen, even though pushing it beyond next year would mean the The main cast (including big stars like Zendaya, Sydney Sweeney and Jacob Elordi) would be released from their contracts and could therefore renegotiate their salaries.

And one of the main reasons for that skepticism is the sudden death of producer Kevin Turen at just 44 last fall, with the actor implying that Turen was the driving force behind the show's momentum. Levinsons is known for rewriting on the fly and scrapped storyboards for Season 2, aiming for instinctive decisions on set, so it stands to reason that someone might have needed to keep things on track .

Meanwhile, industry insider Matt Belloni predicted on Monday's episode of his podcast, The Town, that some form of third season would happen despite Levinson being something of a disaster coming from the short-lived and widely criticized HBO. The idol. But instead of a standard eight-episode series, Belloni thinks the series will end with either a two-hour movie or perhaps a very truncated final season of three or four episodes.

Regardless, despite the chaos, cast and fans are still looking forward to the next season, even though HBO has made it clear that it will take time. Because I'm an actor, I will always be excited about any acting job, so yes, I can't wait to come back, the anonymous actor said. I just don't think it will happen.




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