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Cannes presents the film by Lanthimos, Coppola and Trump “The Apprentice”

Cannes presents the film by Lanthimos, Coppola and Trump “The Apprentice”


New films by Yorgos Lanthimos, Andrea Arnold and Francis Ford Coppola, as well as a portrait of Donald Trump from the 1980s, will compete for the Palme d'Or at the 77th Cannes film festival next month, organizers announced Thursday.

Thierry Frmaux, Cannes' artistic director who announced the selections at a news conference in Paris with festival president Iris Knobloch, said this year's lineup was drawn from 2,000 applications. Although Frmaux indicated that he embarked on the process concerned about the effect of last year's strikes When it comes to American films, the lineup is usually filled with top international filmmakers as well as some highly anticipated blockbusters.

Among the 19 films selected in competition is Kinds of Kindness by Lanthimos, the Greek director's follow-up to the Oscar-winning film Poor things. Its cast includes two stars of Poor Things: Emma Stone and Willem Dafoe.

Paolo Sorrentino, the Italian filmmaker of The Great Beauty, returns to Cannes with Parthenhope, a drama set in Naples starring Gary Oldman. Arnold, the British director of American honey and Fish Tank, also returns to Cannes with Bird, starring Barry Keoghan and Franz Rogowski.

Ali Abbasi's The Apprentice, a film about the former president's early business career, is sure to attract attention. In it, Sebastian Stan plays the role of Trump, Jeremy Strong plays the role of Roy Cohn, and Maria Bakalova plays the role of Ivana Trump. Iranian director Abbasi was previously in competition at Cannes with The Holy Spider of 2022.

Many other renowned filmmakers are also returning to Cannes, from May 14 to 25. Among them: David Cronenberg (“The Shrouds”, with Vincent Cassel and Diane Kruger); Paul Schrader (“Oh, Canada”, with Richard Gere and Uma Thurman) and the famous Chinese director Jia Zhang-Ke (“Caught By the Tides”). Also competing are Sean Baker (“Anora”), whose Red Rocket and The Florida Project also premiered at Cannes; and French filmmaker Jacques Audiard (“Emilia Perez”), who won the Palme in 2015 for Dheepan.

As stated previously, Megalopolis by Francis Ford Coppola will be presented in competition at Cannes. The 85-year-old director's self-financed, long-running epic will debut 50 years after his film The Conversation won the Palme d'Or.

This year's Cannes follows a record-breaking 2023 edition that featured the premieres of three films that earned Best Picture nominations at the Oscars: Martin Scorsese's Killers of the Flower Moon; Jonathan Glazers The area of ​​interest; and Justine Triets, winner of the Palme d'Or, Anatomy of a Fall.

The anatomy of a fall was only the third film directed by a woman to win the Palme. This year, four filmmakers are in competition. Fremaux said he may add more selections in the coming weeks.

Cannes had already planned some notable out-of-competition world premieres, including George Millers Furiosa: A Mad Max saga and Kevin Costners Horizon, an American saga. George Lucas is about to received an honorary Palme d'Or during the closing ceremony. The festival will begin on May 14 with the French comedy Le Meilleur Acte, starring La Seydoux and Vincent Lindon.

Greta Gerwig, after the success of Barbie, heads the jury who will decide the Palme d'Or.

Some entries will take on an extra poignant dimension, Frmaux noted, because of current events. The first selection he announced Thursday was Yolande Zauberman's documentary, The Beauty of Gaza, about transgender Palestinians migrating to Tel Aviv. Ukrainian filmmaker Sergei Loznitsa will present his documentary The Invasion, about Russia's war against his native country.

New this year: the festival is launching a competitive immersive section presenting virtual and augmented reality works.

Source: job




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