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“Civil War” sheds blood in the box office battle with “Abigail”

“Civil War” sheds blood in the box office battle with “Abigail”


Alex Garland's dystopian political action film Civil war about a torn America that seems to repel a new vampire photo Abigail At the box office.

If the estimates hold, Civil war will remain No. 1 in its second weekend with $11 million for a domestic total of over $44 million for independent studio A24.

As the weekend approaches, Universal's Abigail it was expected to take a larger share of Civil war but is now looking to open in the $10 million range (numbers could of course change depending on Saturday's traffic). This remains a respectable figure for a studio film that cost a modest $28 million to make before its release.

Abigail is from Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett, the directing duo known as Radio Silence who were behind the reboot of the Shout franchise and horror hit Ready or Not. Their new film, written by Stephen Shields, follows the horrors that occur when a group of criminals kidnap the 12-year-old girl, who is the daughter of an underworld figure. Only problem: the young ballerina is a vampire.

Warner Bros. and Legendary Godzilla x Kong: The New Kingdom remains a force to be reckoned with in its fourth weekend and is expected to come in third with over $9 million as it crosses the $170 million mark domestically.

Guy Ritchie's new film The Ministry of Anti-Gentleman War shouldn't be far behind with an opening in the $8.8 million range. The ensemble film, whose cast includes Henry Cavill, is about a secret World War II mission led by a band of renegades tasked with destroying Nazi submarines (it's loosely based on real events). The Lionsgate movie has an A-CinemaScore.

The hit family film from Universal and DreamWorks Animation Kung Fu Panda 4which is now on its seventh release, and Crunchyroll's newest anime offering Spy × Family Code: White are in a tight race for No. 4 with an estimated weekend gross of around $4.5 million.

Some box office experts think Spy x Family will prevail and come higher. The Japanese animated action spy comedy is based on the shōnen manga series. Spy × Family by Tatsuya Endo.

Kung Fu Panda 4The national total is expected to hover around $180 million nationally through Sunday.

Overall, weekend revenue is low, as year-to-date revenue drops more than 20% from last year. Summer can't come soon enough for Hollywood studios.




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