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Chef Ludo Lefebvre partners with Costa Palmas for new restaurant

Chef Ludo Lefebvre partners with Costa Palmas for new restaurant


Costa Palmas, the Mexican seaside resort, is teaming up with Michelin-starred chef Ludo Lefebvre to create a new day club. The property opens Delphine, a day club with Lefebvre and day club curator Fabien Cerato.

Delphine will provide a place to eat, lounge and dance for the entire Costa Palmas community, including Four Seasons Resort Los Cabos and future Aman Resorts guests, as well as those anchoring via yacht.

Costa Palmas is a 1,500-acre residential and resort community located in the East Cape of Los Cabos. The community – led by Los Angeles-based developers Irongate – includes the Four Seasons Resort and the still-in-construction Aman Resorts property, Amanvari, which plans to open in 2025 and includes 20 two-story lodges. The Marina Village in Costa Palmas also offers a more relaxed residence, Casa Blake.

The open-air club will include dining areas, daily entertainment, a bar and lounge areas with a beach atmosphere. Guests have the option of dining beachside, on the sand, or on the lodge's open-air patio. Delphine will offer Nice cuisine based on fresh local products. According to Lefebvre, the process of creating the menu was a “particularly fun process” for the French chef.

“Niçoise cuisine is by far my favorite cuisine, so I came to the project with so much inspiration,” said the chef. The Hollywood Reporter. “Being able to cook the dishes I love most has brought me so much joy. »

Dishes are influenced by the seasons with signature spring and summer dishes like chopped chicory salad with walnut pesto and grilled Baja shrimp flambéed with pastis, as well as classics like steak fries with herb butter. The spot will also offer craft cocktails, premium spirits and an extensive wine and champagne list.

Chef Ludo Lefebvre opens a restaurant in Mexico

Courtesy of Costa Palmas

Lefebvre says he first visited Costa Palmas about two and a half years ago with his family. The chef said he “fell in love with the area,” making the decision to partner with the property a no-brainer.

“When they approached me about partnering to create a French beach club, I knew right away I had to do it,” Lefebvre said.

“My hope is that guests at Costa Palmas and Delphine feel like they have just walked into a beach club in the south of France. The boats, the beach, the music and above all the food will transport our guests,” the chef continued.

Lefebvre is well known in the Los Angeles culinary scene. The French-trained chef is behind Los Angeles hotspot Petit Trois, both the original in Hollywood and the newer one in Sherman Oaks, as well as Denver restaurant Chez Maggy.

Delphine is expected to open its doors in early summer 2024, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. After opening Delphine, Lefebvre plans to open a Casa Blake brasserie in the coming years.




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