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The government insists on abandoning table tennis sports ahead of the 2023 SEA Games, but this appears to be the reason

The government insists on abandoning table tennis sports ahead of the 2023 SEA Games, but this appears to be the reason


JAKARTA – The Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora) will send table tennis athletes to the 2023 SEA Games in Cambodia. Table tennis was not even on the previously announced list of 31 sports.

The rise of table tennis then raises questions. Not wanting the polemics to become even wilder, Menpora Dito Ariotedjo then issued an explanation.

He said one of the reasons he finally registered table tennis was to avoid sanctions from international federations.

The reason is that table tennis has been absent twice in a row from the biggest two-year sporting event in Southeast Asia, namely in the Philippines in 2019 and in Vietnam in 2021.

“Firstly, there will be sanctions from international federations if there is no deviation. Secondly, there are already two SEA Games, if this does not mean we have to wait even longer,” Dito said after the release of the contingent at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta , Tuesday April 2.

In addition to avoiding sanctions, table tennis has great potential because it is a sport popular among the Indonesian people.

“This table tennis is a sport that is very popular among the first community and its potential can also be very high because the equipment and locations can be practiced anywhere,” he said, as reported by Antara.

“So apart from the obligation of the international federation and this must be done, these two sports can be a priority in Indonesia,” the young politician from the Golkar Party continued.

On the same occasion, Dito is optimistic that the table tennis team can return to the SEA Games after participating for the last time in 2017. Now, Dito continued, Indonesian table tennis athletes are just waiting for the administrative phase to end.

“Administratively, it's done and done here. It's just a government in Cambodia. God willing, we will fight for it,” Dito said.

“And God willing, this can pass. God willing, we are optimistic,” he continued.

Meanwhile, Chef de Mission (CdM) Indonesia Lexyndo Hakim admitted that he was willing to provide services to table tennis athletes if they were officially registered. Currently, his party is still waiting for the direction of the Menpora.

“If it is sent or sent by the government, we as CdM will of course certainly provide services for that,” said Lexyndo.

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