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Do we live in Pakistan? : Actor Harshika Poonacha, her husband attacked for speaking in Kannada, lodges FIR | Bangalore News

Do we live in Pakistan?  : Actor Harshika Poonacha, her husband attacked for speaking in Kannada, lodges FIR |  Bangalore News


Kannada actor Harshika Poonacha and her husband were allegedly attacked in early April by a group of people in the parking lot of a Bangalore restaurant because they were speaking in Kannada, police said.

The city police registered a case on Saturday, after Poonacha and her actor husband Bhuvan Ponnanna met Bengaluru City Police Commissioner B Dayanada and lodged a complaint.

The April 2 assault went viral two weeks later when Poonacha, who recorded the video of the incident on her phone, shared it on X on April 19.

According to Ponnanna, an unknown person in the parking lot of Karama restaurant in Pulikeshi Nagar got into an altercation with him at 7:40 p.m. on April 2 when he, his wife and two other family members were in the car. A man came out of nowhere and said: Dekh ke jao (watch your path). In Kannada, I asked him to move aside, and the person shouted: Yeh Kannada ke log bahut zyada baat karten hain (these Kannada people talk a lot). I then asked if he had any problem if he spoke Kannada, he said in the complaint.

Soon, a group of about 20 to 30 people, speaking Hindu, Urdu and broken Kannada, joined abroad, Ponnanna said.

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Harshika Poonacha said she tried to call a police officer in Rajarajeshwari Nagar when the gang allegedly held Bhuvan by the collar, assaulted him in the face and tried to snatch his gold chain and mobile phone, then disappeared .

The couple claimed that although they approached a patrol vehicle parked near a mosque and narrated the incident to the assistant sub-inspector, he asked them to go to the police station nearest and file a complaint.

He did not even come to the crime scene to check what had happened, Ponnanna told Dayananda.

Harshika Poonacha mentioned that the faces of the miscreants were clearly visible in the video. “Do we live in Pakistan or Afghanistan? If I speak Kannada in Karnataka and what is wrong with them? Is it so dangerous for us to travel in our city? she asked.

Pulakeshi Nagar police have registered a case under sections 427 (mischief causing damage amounting to Rs 50 or more), 341 (wrongful coercion) and 504 (intentionally insulting or provoking others with intent to cause a disturbance of public order). or commit another offense),143 (unlawful assembly),149 (unlawful assembly with common intention),393 (attempted theft) and 323 (intentionally causing harm to another).

When asked why they delayed in filing a police complaint, Poonacha said Ponnanna had initially ignored the incident. But our supporters suggested that we file a complaint. We have no political agenda, but we are concerned about public safety,” she added.

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