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AIFF commemorates 50 years of winning the Indian AFC Youth Championship

AIFF commemorates 50 years of winning the Indian AFC Youth Championship


The All India Football Federation (AIFF) commemorated the 50th anniversary of the Indian National Youth Team's victory in the 1974 AFC Youth Championship by felicitating the team members at a function here on Tuesday.

The well-attended ceremony commemorated the heroics of the Indian team who were declared winners along with Iran in Bangkok, Thailand, after the two teams remained inseparable even after extra time (2-2) in the final.

This was the last notable victory for Indian football in the international arena after the seniors had settled for bronze at the 1970 Asian Games (also in Bangkok).

AIFF president Kalyan Chaubey presented mementos to six members of the squad – captain Shabbir Ali, CC Jacob, Dilip Palit, Shishir Guha Dastidar, Ranjit (Gobinda Das) and SP Kumar.

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The coach of the winning team, Arun Ghosh, could not attend the meeting due to health reasons.

Ghoshsson-in-law, former national table tennis champion Nupur Santra, accepted the memento on his behalf. Nearly five decades after India's independence, we have never focused on using the international friendly windows, the FIFA World Cup, or even working with the football world. At the time, we chose not to look beyond the Olympic Games and the Asian Games. That seems to have cost us important international fame, said the AIFF president.

We have already lost those five decades, which is a long bridge to build when we know others have a big head start, he added.

Delving into why India's success has dried up over the past few decades, midfielder SPKumar said the Indian system still lacks the element that makes countries like Japan and South Korea regularly play the World Cup.

We are improving coaching methods and techniques, but still you can see that there is something missing in our system compared to other Asian countries that have improved over the past decades, such as Japan and Korea who play the World Cup regularly, Kumar said during an interaction session after the felicitation ceremony. .

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Earlier, when you talked about players, it was more about passion, when players trained themselves by learning from different sources, because there were no coaches at the basic or junior level. Now you have coaches for every age group level, but still there is something missing in our development, which the officials responsible for running the sport in our country will have to discover, Kumar added.

We had many playgrounds then where you could easily try out his talent. There is a lot of development in terms of technology and infrastructure, but you don't have enough grounds, where you can just go to play and learn, the teams right back CCJacob felt.

The team captain Shabbir Ali reminisced. We were a team determined to win, and we finally achieved that. Under Arun Ghosh and Abdur Salaam (the team coaches), we were a close-knit team that trained in Patiala for almost a month before going to Bangkok. I am happy that the current generation can get to know our games through these commendable efforts of the AIFF, Ali said.




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