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21 experts who are fed up with Hollywood having a field day

21 experts who are fed up with Hollywood having a field day


Be a expert it looks hard. On the one hand, you probably have a very stressful job. People always look to you for important things. You probably had a long and expensive education or at least spent an equal number of sleepless nights reading. Wikipedia. You are probably dealing with a very large number of people Twitter chat with you based on an article they just Googled, which you probably wrote.

And in the end, you can't even sink into the couch and enjoy some mind-boggling narrative stories, because every movie or TV show who mentions your profession knows less than the Twitter Googler and cares even less about rectifying that. So, when the user SteveTenants asked r/AskRedditWhat movie or show hilariously interprets something you have expertise in? Reddit experts were happy to show everyone the end of their rope.

Therealswimshady 11 years ago Every show and movie that depicts someone crawling through ducts and maintaining complete silence.  I am an HVAC engineer...

ThatChap 11 years ago Every time someone gets DEFCON levels wrong, I get a little angrier.  (I study terrorists)

HazardousWeather 11 years ago Horse riding.  I can always say this to actors who have little riding experience or are just uncomfortable around horses.

808breakdown 11 years ago Knowing how to play an instrument makes it painfully obvious that the actor or extra has no idea what they are doing.

    11 years ago Almost all ancient Greek films contain Roman-style weapons and armor.  This bothers me as someone who loves Greco-Roman history.

fundip2012 11 years ago Sailing a fully rigged tall ship with 2 people won't happen, Captain Jack Sparrow

travisty1 11 years ago You don't just shift gears and get a magical speed boost like every movie with a car chase.

elephant_owl 11 years ago I wouldn't say I have any expertise (just basic medical training) and it's not hilarious either because it's a pretty serious thing but the amount of shows television and movies that absolutely butcher CPR is insane.  So many things are done wrong like hand placement, number of compressions, number of breaths, starting with the wrong

walkingcarpet23 11 years ago Edited 11 years ago The Lord of the Rings with archery.  You don't draw and hold as long as you would with a recurve bow... Plus the form most people use is horrible (I'm thinking of a few Helm's Deep elves).  Ironically, it was this movie that got me into archery, but luckily I learned correctly from the start.

    11 years ago, DNA evidence in films.  DNA is not easy to compare unless it comes from saliva, blood or feces.  I worked on a case in which a taxi driver was killed and his car was stolen.  We found 500 DNA samples on the steering wheel of the car, none of them.  The cops don't seem to understand this well either.

Attorney_at_Aww 11 years ago Be a lawyer, especially a trial lawyer.  Witnesses never break down on the witness stand.  In fact, with the current liberalization of discovery, there are few, if any, surprises.  Additionally, very few civil cases go to court – perhaps 1%.  Most of the time we sit in an office, writing or doing research to avoid hearings.

SenseiT 11 years ago Watching Megan Fox sitting on the motorcycle reverse painting in Transformers 2 annoys me.  You have no idea how much prep work is actually involved in a custom paint job.

Electro_Syphilis.  11 years ago Edited 11 years ago The way movies depict elevators, especially their stunts, is simply amazing.  You can't just cut the wire and the elevator will fall onto the cage.  It has at least 3 safety measures that will prevent the elevator from falling, effectively locking it onto the shaft.

finefinefine 11 years ago Edited 11 years ago almost every movie or TV show I've watched misrepresents psychotherapy in one way or another.  generally around dual relationship/privacy settings.  they are also obsessed with archaic psychoanalytic treatment techniques that are rarely used by most practitioners.

TheVoiceOfRiesen 11 years ago As a firefighter: Movies don't accurately depict how fires behave.  They don't show how little time you have to get out of the building.  They don't show how hard it is to see.  Turn off the lights and put a blindfold over your eyes, it's that bad.  Thermal overlay: If you stood up in a burning building, you'd cook like a pop tart.  Besides, you would suffocate.

helodriver87 11 years ago Helicopters (in general, but particularly crashes).  The only time you will see a helicopter go into an uncontrollable spin is if the tail rotor suffers massive damage or mechanically disconnects from the driveline.  Hell, sometimes that’s not even enough.  If you fly fast enough with low enough power demand, the tail can cause the plane to move and stay somewhat upright.  It happens, but only in very specific circumstances (think RPG all the way, like in Black Hawk Down).

Claymore506.  11 years ago Edited 11 years ago Aviation.  Almost every movie and TV show messes up aviation.  Sorry, but F-22 fighter jets won't do it by flying 100 feet above the ground and coming within 100 feet of the target.  They fly at airliner altitudes and fire missiles at ranges of 20 miles.  Drones and AC-130s don't do

kayelledubya 11 years ago So... I'm an archaeologist.  I also studied forensic anthropology.  No one ever succeeds in doing these things.  No one in forensics or crime scene analysis carries a fucking gun, nor does they talk to victims, bad guys, etc.  We enter the profession specifically to avoid talking to people.  Jesus.  Plus, the stupid shit Indiana Jones did for archeology is pretty unforgivable.  Well, it would be if Harrison Ford wasn't such a baby.  But honestly, EVERYONE thinks I'm digging up dinosaurs, finding buried treasure, or robbing tombs in Egypt.  Fffffffffff.

Country5 11 years ago Every time people panic when a nuclear reactor goes critical.  You want your reactor to be critical.

crazykilla 11 years ago I work in IT and I'm also a big fan of NCIS.  Every time McGee has to trace an IP address or trace a hacking attempt, they always end up on the same IP address. ... Anyone who knows anything about networking laughs about it.

ajp0002 11 years ago Bald eagles superimposed on red-tailed hawk calls.  Sorry America, your national bird looks super silly in real life.




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