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Don't miss this Spanish Colonial on the Hollywood Heights Centennial House Tour

Don't miss this Spanish Colonial on the Hollywood Heights Centennial House Tour


Hollywood Heights Centennial
Photo courtesy of Patrick Luna

Hollywood Heights is celebrating a milestone this year as the neighborhood turns 100 years old. There's no better way to learn more about this enchanting little corner of East Dallas than by attending the Hollywood Heights Centennial Tour this weekend.

The History of Hollywood Heights

Thanks to restrictions imposed by developer JB Salmon, masonry construction and utility easements in the backyard were necessary. In 1989, the neighborhood became Dallas' sixth protected district, further protecting its charm.

Although there is a clear preponderance of Tudor cottages adorned with stone and leaded and stained glass, the neighborhood also features examples of eclectic Pueblo Revival, Craftsmen, Monterrey, Minimal Traditional, French, and Spanish residences.

Hollywood Heights Centennial House Tour

The house tour began 30 years ago as a way to invest in neighborhood projects and support the community. Each year, the Hollywood Santa Monica Neighborhood Association (HSMNA) Board of Directors votes for a school or nonprofit organization to support. This year, Preservation Dallas was chosen, reinforcing the district's commitment to preserving the city's historic architecture.

“Preservation Dallas is excited to join HSMNA in celebrating 100 years of Dallas’ architectural and cultural history. The pristine nature of the neighborhood speaks to the importance of the city's preservation zoning tools that facilitate the preservation of historic character and promote stewardship.

Victoria Clow, president of Preservation Dallas

The best example of Spanish colonial architecture

One of the most spectacular examples of Spanish Colonial residential architecture is featured on this year's Hollywood Heights Centennial Home Tour.

I have seen this house evolve over many years. In the hands of owners Maria and Patrick Luna, it has truly become a neighborhood gem. They purchased the 1938 white stucco Spanish Colonial at 918 Valencia in 2017 and worked hard to not only restore it, but exceed what I think everyone thought possible.

Hollywood Heights Centennial
Photo courtesy of Patrick Luna

Not only did they replace all the infrastructure, install new windows, and fix drainage issues, but they also added about 400 square feet so seamlessly that you won't be able to guess what's new and what's original.

I wrote about their restoration journey in 2019, so don't miss that post if you want all the dirt!

Hollywood Heights Centennial
Photo courtesy of Patrick Luna
Hollywood Heights Centennial
Photo courtesy of Patrick Luna

“We selected homes that had a lot of history and stories and seemed unique to the neighborhood,” said Juliette Smith, chair of the Hollywood Heights Centennial Home Tour. “Everyone in the neighborhood looks forward to celebrating and sharing our homes and history. »

Photo courtesy of Patrick Luna

The celebrations kick off on Saturday, May 4, when Times Ten Cellars transforms into a speakeasy with dinner, wine and a live band. Wear your best 1920s outfits and celebrate Hollywood style! Buy your tickets now, as they sell out quickly!




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