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KANZ Jewels hosts a spectacular golden evening with Bollywood sensation Kailash Kher and cricket legend Brian Lara

KANZ Jewels hosts a spectacular golden evening with Bollywood sensation Kailash Kher and cricket legend Brian Lara


“Tonight was truly a golden moment for us as we had the privilege of celebrating the enduring bond we share with our valued customers,” remarked Mr. Anil Dhanak, Managing Director, KANZ Jewels. “Their trust and loyalty was the driving force behind our journey, and we were pleased to create an evening that honored their continued support.”

Mr. Arjun Dhanak, Director of KANZ Jewels, shared the proud heritage of their family business saying, “The Golden Evening was a celebration of our rich heritage and the lasting relationships we have built over generations. » Guests were treated to an unforgettable musical extravaganza as Padma Shri Kailash Kher and her band mesmerized the audience with their soulful melodies, setting the stage on fire with their electrifying performance.

To add to the excitement, Mr. Brian Lara graciously signed bats for some lucky attendees, turning their evening into an unforgettable treasure trove of memories. These autographed souvenir bats have become treasured possessions for those lucky enough to receive them, embodying the spirit of excellence and exclusivity that defines KANZ jewelry.

Among the distinguished guests in attendance were eminent Bollywood personalities including Dilip Tahil, Gulshan Grover, Priyamani, Rohit Roy and Nimisha Sajayan, adding to the glitz and glamor of the evening. Additionally, renowned personalities such as Anna Ben, Antony Verghese, Rajpal Yadav, Raza Murad and Rajat Rawail graced the event with their presence, contributing to the festivities.

The event was also graced by the presence of esteemed dignitaries including Mr. Pankaj Modi, brother of Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi. Other notable guests included Mr. Andrew Naylor, Head of Middle East and Public Policy at the World Gold Council, Mr. Yatin Patel, Deputy Consul General of India, and Mr. BM Jamal Hossain, Consul General of Bangladesh.

With a crowd of over 1,400 enthusiastic participants, Soirée Dorée was a resounding success, with everyone thoroughly enjoying the festivities. As the curtains closed on the Golden Evening, guests left with fond memories of an enchanting night filled with music, laughter and the timeless allure of KANZ Jewels designs. The event is a testament to KANZ Jewels’ unwavering commitment to excellence and dedication to creating magical experiences for its discerning clientele.




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