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Shaun White is listing his mid-century modern hideaway in the Hollywood Hills for $5 million

Shaun White is listing his mid-century modern hideaway in the Hollywood Hills for $5 million


Almost a year ago, Shaun White and his long-time partner, The Vampire Diaries Actress Nina Dobrev jointly purchased a renovated mid-century modern home secluded in the hills above Hollywood. So it's no surprise that White's old house, a smaller but no less elegant, glass-walled mid-century modern home elsewhere in the Hollywood Hills, has now appeared for sale, for exactly 5 million dollars.

White purchased his former bachelor pad in 2018, for $3.8 million, and has since given the circa 1955 post-and-beam-style structure a much-needed contemporary makeover, transforming the dated, dated interiors into open spaces with terrazzo floors and white walls. which more faithfully reflect the heyday of the house.

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Due to the floor-to-ceiling windows that flood the place with natural light, the house feels larger than its cozy stats suggest. According to tax records and listing information, the structure has three bedrooms and two bathrooms in less than 1,900 square feet.

Shaun White House Hollywood HillsShaun White House Hollywood Hills

The house itself is out of public view, protected from passers-by by a concrete wall and gated entrance.

Tucked away on a little-known cul-de-sac in the Outpost Estates neighborhood, the 0.33-acre property offers a two-car carport and a small driveway. The house itself is sealed off from the street by a cement block wall painted a bright white, while an enclosed walkway leads past a long grove of bamboo to the front door.

Once inside the residence, guests will be wowed by the living/dining/kitchen area, which is essentially a huge room full of floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking Hollywood and the Los Angeles skyline. The kitchen sports new cabinetry and high-end stainless steel appliances, while sliding glass doors effortlessly blur the line between indoors and out.

None of the bedrooms or bathrooms are particularly large, but they are all nicely renovated. At least one of the bedrooms has direct access to the courtyard, where a classic kidney-shaped swimming pool reigns and is surrounded by a tropically landscaped patio ideal for avid bathers. Beyond this, a large grassy lawn slopes down to a fire pit seating area with wider views of the city lights.

By a strange coincidence, or maybe really not, White's Hollywood Hills home for sale sits right next to a much larger contemporary mansion that he also owned. After purchasing this larger home in 2015 for $6.4 million, White flipped the place two years later for $6.7 million. Shark tank Judge Robert Herjavec, who ultimately sold the house at a loss to its current owner, an anonymous businessman.

White, 37, is a retired professional snowboarder and three-time Olympic gold medalist in half-pipe snowboarding. The San Diego native is also an entrepreneur with a stake in Mammoth Mountain and his own lifestyle brand.

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