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Dancers shine at second annual Western Pow Wow

Dancers shine at second annual Western Pow Wow


As the Star Society, a native drum circle, began to sing, women dressed in long dresses with metal cones on their skirts, moccasins and dance headdresses, began to dance in a circle, the pattern of the feet of each dancer being slightly different.

Two drummers watch the women's jingle competition. (Eli Voorhies/Cascadia Daily News)

The sound of tinkling cones rose with the drums as the women participated in the healing dance known as the jingle dance.

The jingle dance was just one of a handful of dances performed Saturday, May 4, at the second annual powwow on the campus of Western Washington University and hosted by the Native American Student Union. There were also fancy, traditional and grass dances. Men, women and children competed throughout the day and well into the evening, while 11 drum groups provided the music.

Each dance has its own footwork, regalia and songs. Some were noisy, as the bells and cones clashed, as in the men's grass dance and the women's jingle dance, while others sported heavily beaded shawls, as in the women's fancy dance. While both men and women compete in fancy and traditional dance competitions, only men compete on grass and only women compete in jingle competitions.

The jingle dance originated as a tradition among the Ojibwe tribe of Minnesota and Ontario, Canada, said Brenda Child, a historian at the University of Minnesota. ABC News in 2021. Contemporary jingle dance began around 1918 as a healing movement after the flu pandemic.

Leading the way in the traditional Northern men's event is Sheldon Shebala, 46, of the Navajo tribe. (Eli Voorhies/Cascadia Daily News)

Natalie LaFontaine's jingle dance style is contemporary with the use of a fan and back feathers.

“I think the old style is not feathers, and their footwork is a little simpler,” said the 22-year-old Lynnwood resident. LaFontaine is also a member of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe, headquartered in South Dakota.

Her light pink dress, made by her mother, featured gold cones and a colorful beaded vest that she made during the COVID-19 pandemic to honor her loved ones.

The spring 2024 competitive powwow, hosted by the Native American Student Union, began as dancers gathered in the center of the gymnasium. People came to dance and check out the vendors and food trucks. (Eli Voorhies/Cascadia Daily News)

“I've lost a lot of loved ones and I just thought about the stories and the things they taught me,” she said, adding that she was also inspired by the beauty of flowers. “I put it in my beadwork.”

Lauren Nabahe, 31, became known among her friends and dance group as the dancer in the white jingle dress while she was at university.

“When I made one, I was like, 'I think I want a white one to carry on the legacy,'” the Lone Pine, Calif., resident said, adding that it took her a few months to create the badges.

Competitors twist and turn in regalia during the women's fantasy dance category. (Eli Voorhies/Cascadia Daily News)

Its insignia also featured beaded red roses, a symbol of the Shoshone tribe. Nabahe is Paiute-Shoshone, Navajo, and Mono.

The jingle dance also provides Nabahe with an opportunity to reflect on the power and honor of healing dance.

“It’s just very special,” she said. “I feel like my body was made to dance the jingle.”

Annie Todd is a criminal justice and business reporter at CDN; contact her at [email protected]; 360-922-3090 ext. 130.




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