Going to Bear Hunting: Creativity Can Make Social Distance Fun | coronavirus
Bear hunting is usually reserved for mountains or forests, but now Aiken residents can participate in one in their own neighborhood from the comfort of a car.
Teddy bear hunting takes place in local neighborhoods to provide children with an exciting activity in which they can participate, following the guidelines of social distance.
Participants place teddy bears on window sills, porches and in the yards for others to spot. Then parents and children drive around in their cars and find homes with bears.
Children and parents are required to stay in their cars while hunting. One activity involves counting how many bears there are in each neighborhood.
Mackenzie Graham, a senior at Fox Creek High School, said her grandmother saw the idea of a bear hunt on Facebook.
“My grandmother is at great risk,” Graham said. “So it’s very dangerous for her at this point to even go grocery shopping. Being able to get in the car and just do something while practicing social distance is super fun.”
A flyer from the Facebook group Midtown Aiken says the teddy bear hunt will take place on certain streets every Wednesday in April.
Residents should interact with their neighborhood to find out if and when there will be hunting.
Aiken resident Sheron Hagelston said she became involved because someone near her was distributing leaflets.
“I happen to be a neighbor who thought, ‘That’s okay. I’m going to have to put one of my bears out there, ”Hagelston said.
As it turns out, this is a national social action distant. There is a Facebook group for the US named Bear Hunt 2020 where people can share their experiences.
“I’ve been in the house for two weeks now,” Graham said. “I just wanted to sit in the house and finish my school assignments and sleep. I thought if I wasn’t older, I wouldn’t go hunting.”
Graham lets out a laugh with a contagious smile.
“But it was so much fun,” Graham said. “I almost made my grandmother destroy her car when I saw the bear. I was like, “Oh my God, there’s a bear.” I don’t know, just the excitement of it all. “
For some residents, it’s not just a bear hunt. Some residents installed collecting bears in their windows for viewers to enjoy, while others took the bear hunt to the next level.
“Mine is actually a zoo,” Hagelston said, “I have an elephant, a bear and a poppy. I have a real poppy in the house, and the kids love to go through and look at my bird, which is always in the window.”
“They always look at him and wave at him,” Hagelston said. “So having a bear at the window was unique to me. Then my cat decided he was going to be a lion at the zoo. So he sits right there next to everyone.”
After about two weeks, it looks like the bear hunt will be catching on in Aiken, Hagelston said.
She said more and more of her neighbors are participating. While she was cutting some wood outside, she saw hunters.
“I counted about 10 cars today,” Hagelston said. “The cars would slow down in front of the house, and I would see the kids in the car. I felt good that they had to do something. It’s good that moms can have a reason to leave all the kids in the car and just get out of the house.”
Graham said she counts 40 bears in Beaver Creek.
“Even if you think you don’t want to go,” Graham said. “No matter how old you are, don’t put it aside. Take a day, bring your lunch, and go look for the bears. I didn’t think something so small could be so exciting.”
Multimedia journalist Michel’le Jackson
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