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Scotia Freedom Park Return Live Music

Scotia Freedom Park Return Live Music


Live music from the Mia Scirocco Trio, Luster Kings and others is heading to the Freedom Park stage this summer.


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On Wednesday, June 23, the Freedom Park Summer Concert Series will feature in-person concerts every two weeks until August 28.

After the completely virtual season of the 2020s, we couldn’t be more excited to be live and return to the park stage this year, said Cathy Gatta, president of the Freedom Park Foundation.

To bring back shows in person, organizers will rearrange the seats, cutting modules of about 10 feet each, so that attendees can socially distance themselves from other groups.

At this point, New York state is allowing up to 500 attendees to outdoor concerts without venues having to verify the COVID-19 vaccination or test, Gatta said. We hope the restrictions continue to loosen over the summer, but for now take what we can get.

Freedom Park Foundation volunteers will count the number of participants as they enter to ensure they do not exceed the maximum of 500.

Participants should also plan to wear headwear when not in their designated seating area.

Hope the focus isn’t on what visitors can’t do, but that we can now be outside enjoying the music of some really wonderful local bands in a beautiful park, Gatta said.

The program includes everything from 1960s pop music to rock and more.

We also added the SIRSY group towards the end of the summer in hopes that either the restrictions change or by then our guests will understand the rules. They usually attract a very large crowd, so take a look at Gatta.

The organizers will also be posting the performances on Facebook Live for those who don’t feel comfortable coming to the park. All shows start at 7 p.m.

For more information visit

Here is an overview of the schedule:
Wed 23 June – Hot Club de Saratoga
Sat June 26 – Betsy & the ByeGons
Wed. June 30 – Youth Marching Band of the Capital District
Wed July 7 – Big Fez and the Surfmatics
Sat July 10 – Carmen & Life’s Guilty Pleasures
Wed July 14 – Donnie P & Celebration Family
Sat July 17 – Watch Reggie Run
Wed July 21 – Luster Kings
Sat July 24 – Heard
Wed July 28 – Brian Patneaude Quintet
Sat July 31 – Ratboy Jr.
Wed August 4 – Annie and the hedonists
Sat August 7 – Mia Scirocco Trio
Wed Aug 11 – The Rhythm Pilots
Sat Aug 14 – Ellen Sinopoli Dance Company
Wed August 18 – Legendary characters
Town. Aug. 21 – Rustic
Wed 25 Aug – SIRSY
Sat August 28 – Thieves


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