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Get into fashion with these five trends – The Torch

Get into fashion with these five trends – The Torch


Spring is a season of transition, not only for the weather, but also for your wardrobe. As nature awakens from its winter slumber, so does your sense of style. Say goodbye to the snow and hello to the sun with these five essential spring fashion items destined to become staples in your collection.

Trench coats

Photo courtesy/YouTube Mvelase Buyie

While it's too early to ditch your jacket altogether, replace your lumpy down jackets with one lightweight trench coat. Versatile and chic, trench coats effortlessly elevate any outfit, whether it's a tailored office look or a casual pairing with leggings and a cozy sweatshirt.

When it comes to investing in a trench coat, there are options to suit every budget. For a low-cost option, retailers like Old Navy And H&M offer a variety of stylish options for under $50, allowing wearers to stay fashionable without breaking the bank.

For those willing to splurge a little more, stores like Zara offer trench coats ranging from $60 to $160, offering higher quality materials and construction for a slightly higher price. Whether you opt for a budget-friendly find or a more investment-worthy piece, finding the perfect trench coat will definitely up your spring style game.

Mary Jane Apartments

Photo courtesy/YouTube Style. by Sansha

These shoes are not only adorable, but breathable for the constant changes that spring weather brings. Incorporating Mary Jane flats into your ensemble is a surefire way to elevate your look with a touch of sophistication and charm, effortlessly blending elegance and chic.

Whether you're looking for a polished, polished aesthetic or a more casual yet stylish vibe, Mary Jane flats offer versatility that can easily transition from day to night. Their timeless appeal makes them a wardrobe staple that can complement a wide range of outfits, from tailored office wear to casual weekend ensembles.

Luckily, there's no shortage of options when it comes to finding the perfect pair of Mary Jane flats. ASOS offers stylish yet affordable pairs, while Franco Sarto offers high-end apartments guaranteed to last.

Linen pants

Photo courtesy/YouTube Lizzy Hadfield

It seems like these pants enter the mainstream every few years and for good reason. Linen pants are comfortable and breathable, making them perfect for a spring day.

One of the best things about these pants is the endless range of options available. From classic solid hues to bold patterns and prints, there's a pair for every taste and style preference.

Also, don't be afraid to get creative with your style. The sheets can be dressed up or down effortlessly, making them a versatile addition to any wardrobe. Pair them with a simple tee and sneakers for a casual weekend look, or dress them up with a blouse and heels for a more polished ensemble. The possibilities are endless, allowing you to truly make these pants your own.

Urban outfitters And BERSHKA offer linen pants at affordable prices with a wide variety of color and pattern options.

Ruffled blouses

Photo courtesy/YouTube Sydney Graham

If you're looking to add texture and dimension to any spring outfit, try a ruffled blouse. This lightweight fabric is easy to wear and gives a to do the housework look at any outfit.

The diversity of ruffled blouses knows no bounds, making them a wardrobe staple that fits perfectly throughout the day. Whether you're heading to the office or meeting friends for brunch, these blouses offer a refined yet effortless look that exudes sophistication.

The best thing about these shirts is that no two are the same! Many blouses incorporate bows into the shirt, while others use balloon sleeves to make a statement. What makes them even better is that you can find them at retailers like anthropology, H&M Or Look at me.

Quilted bags

Photo courtesy/YouTube MsRosieBea

Worn by celebrities and fashionistas alike, quilted bags are here to stay! Bringing texture to any outfit, these bags can be found in different styles and colors to mix with your outfit of choice.

The natural, handmade aesthetic of quilted bags aligns well with the current trend toward sustainable fashion, while their lightweight construction and breathable design make them well suited to warmer temperatures.

Amazon, Turn And FP Movement all offer different styles and alternatives to the trendy Bottega bag.

From trench coats to ruffled blouses, these trendy fashion items are sure to get you into the spring spirit!




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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