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Mom who handmade her daughters' prom dress cried during big reveal

Mom who handmade her daughters' prom dress cried during big reveal


It's priceless!

Jessica Leigh Webb is a professional therapist with a flair for fashion. She regularly posts outfits of the day as well as sewing tips and information for those who want to start creating their own creations. Recently, Webbs' 17-year-old daughter Ivy made a special request, asking her mother to make the dress she wanted to wear for her. prom. A daunting task, Webb admits she was very anxious at first and even considered withdrawing. Eventually, she gave in and decided to document her journey of getting her daughters dressed before the big day.

I decided to take on a major project: creating my daughter's prom dress. I AM SHOOKETH!!! I have so [performance] anxiety is absolutely ridiculous!! So I'm saying this out loud in the hopes that being honest about it will relieve some stress, Webb wrote.

I will be the first to admit that I have stunted my growth due to anxiety and irrational fears. But this request is a little different. My daughter is so nice. She is very encouraging and always encourages me in my sewing journey. She always asks me to make her pieces and she is so confident that whatever I produce, she will love it. So even though I'm shaking in my boots about her business, I know that if I'm going to start somewhere, it should be here, she added.

With only a few weeks to complete the work, Webb continued to share her journey, documenting the original sketches, the construction of the dress, injuries like the time she sewed her finger, and her daughters' very first fitting. Although there were times when she thought it wouldn't work, trying a number of techniques for the first time and even considering going dress shopping at the last minute, as the dates got closer, Webb announced that she had finally finished the design, sharing the emotional moment with her followers.

I refuse to cry [Beyonces] Internet today. I don't even know what to say except all praise be to the King of kings and to the Lord our God, HE IS WONDERFUL!!

When the big day arrived, Webb and Ivy agreed that the final look would be a surprise to Webb. She gathered her followers for a special prom reveal live on Instagram at 5:30/6 p.m. EST so everyone could see the final look together, while mom asked those tuning in not to laugh at his ugly cry. Webb recapped the process and responded to comments while waiting for her daughter to arrive for the final look. The moment was special with thousands of people tuning in for the big reveal. As Ivy finally prepared for her mother and family to see the final look, Webb turned around so Ivy could surprise her. When she finally entered the scope of the videos, she looked absolutely stunning.

Dressed in a blue Bridgerton-style dress with embellished details, a corset bust and scooped sleeves, the moment was more than anyone could have imagined and the culmination of all of Webbs' hard work. Webb cried out as she laid eyes on her daughter in her dress for the first time, becoming visibly emotional as she stated this over and over again.

OMG you look so good, that's all Webb managed to get out.

Ivy hugged her mother, beaming from ear to ear while Webb tried not to cry and ruin her daughter's makeup or outfit. His family and friends were all present for this momentous occasion, and it was not the first time their village had looked like this. In 2019, Ivy's divine sister Courtney, who did her makeup for the big day, went viral after She created her sister's prom dress when she was just 14. As the family gathered for another full circle moment, Ivy gave full 360° views of the dress to those tuning in on IG live, looking like an absolute dream. A real fairy princess is heading to her ball.

As Webb prepared to send his little girl to prom, Webb spoke with Thanks to them, we can how much it meant to be able to make this happen for his daughter.

We are delighted to have been able to share this moment together. It's something none of us will ever forget. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to do something so important for a young woman. Prom is a major right of passage and the dress is the most important part of it. I am so grateful to Ivy that she not only trusted me, but encouraged me to take a leap of faith and create the dress of her dreams, Webb told BOTWC.

Once the festivities are over and Ivy walks across the stage, she will head to the College of Southern Maryland in the fall to continue her degree in music education. Even though the future is bright for young Ivy and there are many more milestones on the horizon, we are sure she will never forget this one.

Great job mom!

Cover Photo: Mom's Handmade Prom Dress Her Daughters Cried During Big Reveal/Photos by @The_Fashionable_Therapist/Instagram




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