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Iran launches crackdown on women who defy hijab dress code

Iran launches crackdown on women who defy hijab dress code


Iran has launched a major new crackdown on women who defy the country's strict dress code, deploying large numbers of police to enforce laws forcing women to wear headscarves in public, rights activists say. the man.

The campaign began last month just as military tensions were soaring between Iran and Israel.

Condemning the effort as a war against women, Amnesty International said in a report This week, security forces across the country intensified their violent enforcement of compulsory veiling.

Dubbed the Noor (Light) campaign, Iranian officials say the operation aims to enforce the country's compulsory hijab law, which requires women to cover their heads and the shape of their bodies. The operation marks the regime's most serious effort yet to try to reassert government authority following women-led protests in 2022 and 2023 to challenge the mandatory hijab law.

The protests erupted following the September 2022 death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini in a hospital, three days after she was arrested by the country's morality police for allegedly failing to comply with the port law. Mandatory scarf.

The protests, known as the Women, Life, Freedom movement, were eventually suppressed, but many women and girls across the country continued to flout the dress code, appearing in public with their hair uncovered.

The police operation could have tragic consequences,” Hadi Ghaemi, executive director of the New York-based Center for Human Rights in Iran, told NBC News.

Amid growing dissent in the country and international attention focused on regional tensions, the Islamic Republic is seizing the opportunity to intensify its crackdown on dissent, Ghaemi said in a statement earlier.

Women and girls in Iran already face severe discrimination in Iran, but these actions significantly increase the threat of unchecked state violence against them, he said.

Tehran police chief Abbasali Mohammadian announced the operation on state television on April 13, just as Iran launched its drone and missile attack on Israel.

“Starting today, police in Tehran and other cities will take action against those who violate the hijab law, the police chief said.

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has expressed concern over the crackdown.

What we have seen and heard in recent months is that authorities, whether plainclothes or uniformed police, are increasingly enforcing the hijab bill, said to journalists Jeremy Laurence, spokesperson for the office, last month.

There were reports of widespread arrests and harassment of women and girls, many aged 15 to 17, he said.

Laurence also said hundreds of businesses and restaurants had been closed by authorities for allegedly not enforcing the hijab law.

A U.N. fact-finding mission said in March that Iran was responsible for the physical violence that killed Amini and concluded that Iran had committed crimes against humanity in its violent suppression of protests that followed. .

Iran has denied responsibility for Amini's death and rejected accusations from human rights groups, witnesses and foreign governments that it crushed peaceful protests with violence.




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