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11 Best T-Shirts for Men 2024

11 Best T-Shirts for Men 2024


A great t-shirt is a classic wardrobe staple with endless styling possibilities. The best t-shirts for men fit well, keep you cool, and are comfortable to wear for days. After extensive research and consultation with various people, we have determined that J.Crews Broken T-Shirt is the top choice overall because it comes in many different cuts and colors and feels lived-in from the first use. If you're looking for extreme softness and stretchy comfort, we also like Vuoris Strato Tech T-shirt.

In our review, we compared several dozen t-shirts from beloved brands and took into account the preferred styles of the real men we surveyed. Below you'll find our selection of the best men's t-shirts that we wholeheartedly recommend, whether you're looking for the perfect White TshirtA vintage style or a t-shirt with a crisp, dressy look.

Editor's Pick:

When you want a shirt that requires no interruption over time, this versatile style is soft from the first wash. It comes in four fits (classic, slim, tall or relaxed), can be layered or worn alone and dressed up or down. This t-shirt is also available in a huge range of shades, you can choose from 21 colors.

This cotton tee is blended with spandex and is both stretchy and odor control, making it an ideal standalone tee or layering piece. Men who wear this shirt love it for its drape, breathability, and soft, cool feel. And at this price, you could even get one in all six colors.

This is a must-have workout shirt, it's moisture-wicking and odor-proof, but it's also so incredibly soft you might want to save it for weekend lounging. It's stretchy, but the fabric has a snap so it won't get out of shape after wearing it for a few hours. The Strato Tech also comes in 17 colors, so you'll have one for every day of the week, and then some.

Although it's technically made from a performance fabric, it's a shirt you'll want to wear every day, all day. The heathered colors give it an effortless worn look, the Pima cotton and modal make the fabric soft, and it has a good amount of spandex for stretch. The Movement T-shirt has a slim fit that isn't too baggy, it flatters your waist and is available in five colors.

Made from sustainably grown French linen, this is the tee that can easily transition from the farmers market to long brunches to poolside parties. It's soft and cool on the hottest summer days, and it comes in 13 solid and striped colors, so you're bound to find something you love. Also great: you can throw this shirt in the dryer because it's pre-shrunk.

This not-so-basic tee is made from a wonder fabric of Pima cotton, modal, and elastane. It's stretchy, wrinkle-free, and won't shrink or fade, so you'll get plenty of wear. Reviewers rave about the quality and fit of this t-shirt, and it comes in seven colors.

Sometimes you need a breathable t-shirt that can go from running errands around town to the gym. This comfortable sports shirt is loose through the chest to allow freedom of movement, and it has no side seams that can cause chafing. The breathable fabric is woven with silver threads that also fight odor-causing bacteria. It is available in 11 colors, including bright and neutral colors.

There are a few main reasons you might want to add this affordable shirt to your wardrobe: it's made from a soft, stretchy cotton jersey that retains its shape; it is easy to maintain; and the smooth finish makes it look elevated. It's available in regular and tall fits and in six different neutral tones, including heather olive green and dark charcoal gray.

Other Top Picks

If sweating is a problem for you, this moisture-wicking shirt may be the solution. It's made from an ultra-soft performance fabric composed of micromodal, polyester and spandex that will keep you cool, even in sweltering temperatures. It comes in six men-friendly colors, including black, white, and various blues.

James Perse is known for his simple, minimalist fashion that is both functional and aesthetic. This t-shirt is a great example: the treated cotton fibers are garment-dyed with added softeners, so this shirt will look like an old faithful from the get-go. The classic fit means it's neither too baggy nor too clingy, and it's available in 16 colors, from earthy tones to pastels.

Linen shirts give off a casual, nonchalant vibe, and this one from Todd Snyder is an upgraded version of a casual tee. The fabric gives it a fluid drape and breathable construction, and a single chest pocket adds an understated style detail. Please note: you cannot put this one in the dryer and you will have to lay it flat after machine washing.

Why trust Forbes Verified

When it comes to men's fashion, we spend countless hours searching for classic items that will last. We study both the biggest fashion brands and the newest companies on the market in depth, so we can find the best options on the market. We focus on fashionable pieces with a flawless fit and easy to style, nothing fancy that you'll immediately regret buying. We frequently reach out to fashion experts, stylists and fabric scientists to determine what factors to keep in mind when shopping. The author of this story, Forbes Vetted contributor Molly Calhoun, is an obsessive T-shirt buyer who has been writing about lifestyle topics for two decades.

How We Choose the Best Men's T-Shirts

We started by thoroughly researching the most popular men's t-shirts on the market and contacting stylish men for their favorite summer t-shirts. There are thousands of t-shirt options to choose from, so to narrow down our search, we considered several factors: we considered fabric quality and weight, fit, color availability, the ease of care and the way each t-shirt is worn. time. Since the perfect t-shirt is a little different for everyone, we've included options for everything from casual weekends to dressy occasions.

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